Birmingham Music Network

Whoa! It’s like looking in a mirror!


The Birmingham Music Network, managed by Mark Badger of Iron Man Records and others, has a new blog inspired by Created in Birmingham apparently, right down to using the same theme. Which kinda gives the game away on how I made this blog look like it does. But I’m not bothered – it gives me the motivation to give this place a much needed overhaul at some point. And at the end of the day it’s all about the content.

CiB can’t hope to cover all the musical activity going on in the city along with everything else. The Music Network blog can try harder so if you’re of a musical creating disposition get over there and join.


  1. …but I have no ideas of my own…..ha ha. No, seriously…I haven’t had time to finish the blog yet…it’s a work in progress and things like layout, colour schemes and the rest will be dealt with in due course, it was just easier to copy Pete to start out before further changes are made….

    Oh yeah and I managed it in about 50 minutes after a good friend spent 2 hours trying to get the hosting to work……

    If I can do it, anyone else can do it too….

  2. @Mark – exactly. There is absolutely no need for anyone to feel they can’t get a blog sorted out if they want one.

    Hmm… feeling an idea coming on. Something to do with a ‘social media surgery’?

  3. Haha! Okay Pete. We’ll be having a fair few while we’re over in Texas so I’ll keep them to myself for now…

  4. i’ve got so many half-completed personal website projects which stem from ‘wouldn’t it be cool if…’, where i start the build & then never get around to finishing it, because i’ve moved on to another idea…

  5. Anthony Hughes

    Nice one Mark,

    The music network site looks good and a much needed revival after previous ‘set backs’. functionality is the same basic one that CIB runs on – but unfortunately so is the style! – lets have some change of colours/ fonts for cosmetic reasons and also for the sake of not having to double check which one I’m reading!

    and when and where do we meet again?

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