Puppet Show – Eastside Projects

Puppet Show

23 March – 18 May 2013

Launch: 6-8pm Friday 22 March 2013

Head down to Eastside Projects this Friday for the launch of their newest exhibition ‘Puppet Show’ that will be on show until mid-May. It sounds pretty intriguing, and as always with Eastside Projects’ launch nights the gallery will be buzzing with creative types to converse with over some very reasonably priced beverages.

Eastside Projects is finally revealed as a ‘puppet state’ or ‘marionette government’. The art organisation has been taken over by little ‘creatures’, marking what could well be a latent global condition.

Puppet Show is populated by impersonators, impostors, and transvestites – by ultimately dubious characters that are used to criticise, debase, mock, undermine or protest in the place and voice of others. Puppets reveal their ultimately political role in this faculty to represent, much like democracy is representative. During Puppet Show, Eastside Projects has been possessed in order to come to life, and speak what cannot be said through the mouthpiece of its puppet population—reversing the role of puppet and puppeteer. Puppet Show in this way exposes the animal and the natural worlds, architecture, music, education, entertainment and death, all subjects analyzed through their possible revolution.

Find out more at eastsideprojects.org.

If you’d like to do a bit of reading on what Eastside Projects is all about then check out my ‘Welcome to Birmingham’ article and it should cover everything you need to know.