Play Me, I’m Yours


The first of the Fierce! art-stunts is revealed in a call out for old pianos.

Between 10 and 24 March 2008 around twenty pianos will mysteriously appear in streets, parks and public places across Birmingham. Each will have a small plaque attached stating ‘Play me, I’m Yours’. The pianos are free for anyone to play, at different points professional musicians will be invited to show their talents alongside members of the public who fancy giving piano playing a go!

The thing is, they need pianos that can sit in the elements for a fortnight. In other words pianos that nobody wants. If you have one lying about the place, maybe under your bed or in a kitchen cupboard, give Fierce a ring on 0121 244 8080 before Feb 29th and they’ll come and collect it for free.


  1. No it hasn’t already started, but thanks for the tip off – we’ll look at adding a plaque!!! Does anyone play it by any chance?

  2. Ha! what a brilliant idea

    we saw a documentary about a piano in a public space a while ago – if I remember rightly they had it bolted down to the floor so the council couldnt take it away.

    Will any of them be left there long term?


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