Sell Birmingham to St Martins students

Tracy Saunders writes:

Hi Pete I’m pulling together some information on Birmingham’s art scene for the University of the Arts London (which includes St. Martin’s) and Arts newspaper on why London students should consider coming to Birmingham post graduation.

I’ve done a round-up of galleries, theatres, venues etc and wanted to liven it up with some quotes from artists, media and bods that are passionate about the city’s creative scene on why ex London students should come to Birmingham. (I know it’s a bit of a sales pitch but it’s a great inroad for us to talk about Birmingham as a student city.)

If you’d like to give me a couple of lines, or recommend some people with interesting things to say, by Monday that would be great.

I hate these sort of things. 200 lines, sure, but a couple? So I’m passing the buck to you guys. Any ideas? Leave them in the comments and I’ll alert Tracy to their presence.


  1. We recently moved [our business] to Birmingham and we are really excited with what it has to offer. There is a real feeling of community, lacking in many other places, as well as a strange sense of being involved in somewhere real and not full of hot air ideas. It feels like Birmingham’s creativity is a great secret already being told.

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