Roger Shannon sent in a photo…


No, it’s not the after gig drinks of a Culture Club Tribute Band.

It’s the post premiere toasting of the film Handsworth Songs, now universally acclaimed as a documentary classic, after its world premiering in the Birmingham Film Festival in 1986 at The Triangle Media Centre (R.I.P.).

Yes, that’s the director, John Akomfrah, grinning madly, centre shot, goaded by Pogus Ceasar, of OOM Gallery fame with a skinny me, Festival Director, to the right of Pogus.

Thanks Roger!


  1. In the midst of all the memories being gathered around the MAC it’s great to see one from the Triangle. Great pic Roger. I did most of my late-1980s cinema-going at The Triangle watching all kinds of stuff. It had a theatre, a permanent photography gallery, even a back room they briefly called a second cinema that showed 16mm prints of really obscure stuff.

    Very little on the web about The Triangle, or at least very little I can find. I once made a documentary about it as a YTS media trainee in the late 80s. If I can ever find the tape I’ll post it up.


  2. Krysia Rozanska

    Yes, doesn’t Roger look sexy! He has forgotten to mention the women in the picture.
    Pervaiz Khan sent me this photo this week. Recognise him with the champagne bottle?
    Derek Bishton took the photograph. Also Alan Brookfield, Michael Maynard (Aduwali), Tarik Chawdry, Tony Small, Marise Crookes, Avril Johnson, Francis Khan, David Lawson, Lina Gapaul, Tracy Dyer, Rob Birkett and me with funny hair.

  3. Krysia Rozanska showed me this photograph a few days ago, then Capt Shannon emailed me a copy!. So many memories indeed, a time of great creativity in Birmingham.

    I remember with great fondness a man called Ted Little from Arts Lab, he gave me exhibition space for my pointillist paintings.

    OOM Gallery has a wealth of archive photographs from those days, anyone out there consider curating a show?

  4. Dr Rob Bate

    Dear All,
    Is this the Krisia who was at Sutton Coldfield CFE in the late seventies?
    If it is, Hi Kris, so pleased to see you are well.

    Rob Bate

  5. Hi Pogus and all

    we’re developing a season of film, music and performance for 2009 looking broadly at 1976-1988 (subcultures, the underground, covert activity etc).

    I’ve been thinking about the Arts lab in Birmingham and it would be fantastic to include people/work/archives from this era and to uncover what remains an untold story.

    If anyone is interested in discussing this further, drop me a line at VIVID.

  6. Oh my god… I didn’t know this existed until just now. I was being narcissistic, googling myself on a Friday night as you do, stumbled upon this blast from the distant past! See? I used to have hair and a Miami Vice thing going on with the jacket sleeves

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