Singlescreen: Performance

Grabbed from the VIVID site because they don’t have a linkable archive for this stuff yet.

Singlescreen: Performance

On 27 February 2008 VIVID opens Singlescreen: Performance, the pilot programme towards a new strand which focuses on presenting contemporary moving image work for screen.

Performance is a changing programme of single screen installations which features seminal works from the 1970’s rarely seen in the UK alongside the best recent work from artists based in the West Midlands.

The marriage of performance and film creates a very particular dynamic and the programme will investigate the ways in which performance engages with the mechanics of filmmaking to create a new form. Performance ranges from classic performance documentation to subtle and multiple explorations of movement and choreography.


Wed 27 Feb – Sat 01 Mar 2008, 12pm – 5:30pm
Pure Cinema (Deepres & Clifford, 2007)
Moment (Stephen Dwoskin, 1968)
Admission free

Fri 29 Feb 2008, screening 7pm
Moving Images/Moving Bodies, introduced by Portland Green, Interim Director of Capture and Director of Portland Green Cultural Projects.
Cost: £3/ £2 concessions
Booking recommended, email

Wed 05 Mar – Sat 08 Mar 2008, 12pm – 5:30pm
No Memory (Teresa Severova, 2005)
Admission free