Grimley on the Mac


If you pop into the Mac today and look on the counter you’ll see a stack of tabloid supplements put together by the Birmingham Post to mark the inemant closure and rebuilding of the centre. And since the two main articles were written by the mighty Terry Grimley, who’s knowledge of the history of Birmingham’s cultural scene is, frankly, as large as the moon, they’re actually well worth reading and not the shallow puff pieces you might imagine.

Sadly these articles have not been put online for the education of the nation which is a real shame as they do go some way to explain the background to some of the controversies that have dogged the Mac this last year. But hark! I have a scanner!

Here’s both of Terry’s pieces in one copyright-busting strip. Enjoy.

There are also some neat photos of the how the new building will look which I’m posting here, again scanned from the supplement (hence the low resolution). Above is the view from across the lake while below is the new entrance across the river from the cark park.



  1. AGAIN

    I never understood why the bridge is raised on the way into the mac. none of the other bridges are raised like that.

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