
Interesting looking show coming to the Custard Factory gallery in March.


Featuring emerging as well as established artists, PLATFORM 01 is the first in a series of shows intended to give artists from the Midlands and surrounding areas a venue in which to display their work and to create connections between themselves, their art, and the community of collectors who live and work in the area. We believe that experienced and new collectors should be able to form relationships between themselves and the artists and galleries in the Birmingham area, and that Fine Art should be accessible to all. Additionally, all commission on artworks sold at PLATFORM 01 will go to our chosen charity, Breast Cancer Care, to help play a part in beating breast cancer.

Under the remit of Nature as a topic, the exhibit shows the relationship between the artist, the work, and the observer as interpreter, through both personal experience and the subjectivity of how each individual interprets the natural world. For both the observer as well as the artist, interpretation and interaction happen both within the medium and when the work is viewed when complete.

The role of the natural world in the lives of individuals in the 21st century is changing at an exponential rate, as is the relationship of the visual arts to environmental issues. Whether benevolent or threatening, in both urban and rural settings, the natural world affects the way we live in an increasingly important way. Technology is now inextricably linked to the natural environment as we look for new and better ways to power our lives, and the implications of tech-natural hybridity only serve to remind us of how dependent we are upon the natural world for our energy, our food, our homes, and even our artistic inspiration.

Skimming through the biogs of artists involved shows it to have a pretty national reach, which is good to see, as well as spotlighting local talent. Here’s the list:

Amy and Claire, Claire Diamond, Will Grant, Ruth Green, Ken Hurd, Hilary La Force, Richard Lawton, Emma Levick, Chris Pepler, Susann Pocknell, Tim Robottom, Gaelle Roche, Sharon Snaylam, Maureen Stone, Vicki Walkden, Miles Walkden and Catherine Whitehouse.

Astonishingly the private view on March 4th actually is private. To get an invite get in touch with the organisers, Antika.