Aardman and Isobel recreate Birmingham

“Having rehabilitated the reputations of single men whose best friends are dogs (Wallace & Gromit) and pirates (Pirates), top animation studio Aardman have turned their talents to Britain’s most unfairly maligned city.

They joined forces with Isobel to create a new campaign for Birmingham’s Bullring shopping centre, creating a four-tier revolving model incorporating quirky interpretations of Brummie landmarks alongside domestic objects. Director Daniel Cohen said: “I always like making worlds and try to imagine where I would want to live in that place. I kind of just think like a child, that’s what I really feel lucky to be able to do – then there’s no right or wrong.”

As you’d expect the animation and model-making is first class contributing to a really fun campaign.”

Watch the video on Vimeo. Words It’s Nice That, link posted by Handsprings on twitter.