win award

2038938474ff5cfd4685.jpgCongrats to on winning the BDI Industry and Genius award in the category for Products and Genius: Digital Design. They write about wining it here:

The panel received over 100 entries for the awards and in most cases 3 entries were shortlisted, as in the Digital Design category that was in. It was quite fascinating seeing some of the amazing designs and projects that were emerging from local businesses and in one case the award was given to two winners, as the panel simply could not name one to be better than another.

The Digital Design category was one of the last to be announced and left us nervously sitting on the edge of our seats awaiting the panel’s decision, when they announced that the winning project received some flattering comments from the panel, including –
“Locally empowering. A fantastic model.”
“Looking inwards and outwards, it promotes the city and is encouraging entrepreneurship”
“A good example of collaboration”

Then it was announced, the winners are…

The others shortlised in the category were Aston Computer in the Home: Aston Pride IT and Real Time Information: WMPTA/Centro.

So what’s the BDI?

The BDI (Birmingham Design Initiative) is made up of 22 professionals from the business, education and design related sectors. Their goal is to raise awareness of the importance and value of outstanding environmental / product design in the West Midlands. This is the 10th time the BDI Awards have been held since 1989, and commemorative plaques dating back more than a decade still take pride of place in design practices across the region.