1. And, not forgetting the RTS nominated hour long documentary film, MADE IN BIRMINGHAM – Reggae Punk Bhangra, directed by Debbie Aston, that complements the Home of Metal detectors by focussing on other strands of musical heritage and cultural lineages in the city.

  2. I was part of this Scrutiny Review as a witness(?) and having read the document I really welcome it. There is, if anything, more focus on the current music industries and the lack of infrastructure and coherence within the city, which is only right.

    However, the two strands, current music and heritage, are complimentary. You cannot create your future if you do not know your history and the history side has been criminally neglected.

    There is much more to add to the BCC review, looking at other city’s successful music commissions and bodies for example, but the idea of a central point of focus for the independent music industry which has an ingrained sense of the city’s rich musical past is a move in the right direction.

    As I, and others have argued, this is not about funding musicians or venues, but about brokering and understanding. Brokering relationships between individuals and organisations in the city, and facilitating relationships with national and international companies that allows for and brings in inward investment into the city.

    Understanding the depth and breadth of the musical activity that takes place in Birmingham and the needs and requirements to allow it to continue to flourish but with a much more central visible role within the city’s cultural offer which means popular music having representation on things like planning, licensing, transport plans, all the things behind the scenes that impact on the actually ability for entrepreneurs and innovators to create a sustainable, lively music environment.

    There are clearly also touristic and cultural benefits in recognising and celebrating the long and sustained impact musicians from the city have had on the local, national and international music industry, as Roger says above, from across a wide range of genres. We have an opportunity to really get this right now, I hope the City Council supports the recommendations in the report.

    Ramble over.

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