Quick Hits

  • The website for New Art Birmingham has launched and perusing it I’m reminded that it’s not just the art fair at Curzon Street Station. There are also events taking place at the Ikon Gallery, New Art Gallery Walsall, Midlands Arts Centre, The Lighthouse in Wolverhampton, and Birmingham Museum and Art Gallery. The site was designed by local company Made Media.
  • Speaking of website relaunches, TAK! have announced they’ve got the commission for the Ikon gallery to recreate their site and online shop “from the ground up.”
  • Paul Bradshaw’s Online Journalism Blog is proving quite a gem as he evidently knows his stuff. If you’re interested in how the media landscape is changing or just want to get a handle on how you could be using online means of communication (blogs, podcasts, video, community building, etc) I’d recommend keeping tabs on him. Paul’s the Senior Lecturer in Online Journalism and Magazines at UCE.
  • Andrew Dubber was confused about how Koopa, an “unsigned” band, can get into the charts when the charts require you to be on a record label so he got in touch with Ditto Music, the Edgbaston-based PR and distribution company who acted as a de-facto label for them. How is what Ditto do different from a traditional label? The ensuing conversation is quite illuminating and well worth a read but in summary it’s not that Koopa were unsigned that’s noteworthy, more that they hadn’t signed away their rights.
  • Couple of new blogs on the block. Design company Substrakt have launched their blog in advance of a site revamp. More news on them later. Meanwhile Stef Lewandowski of 3form has turned his photo portfolio into a blog where he’s started posting articles and musings about the creative scene.