One Comment

  1. Lydia

    There is a film opportunity posted on ‘Find it in Birmingham’ it might be worth contacting Vidadd Productons to see if there are any work experience or volunteering opportunities.

    As posted on
    Associated / Experienced Film Producer Required
    Freelance film producer required to assist the main producer to produce a Pilot sitcom, but also assist with the casting and sponsorship options to help fund the project process based in Birmingham, using local talent and facilities. Being as though this is a pilot (initially) – the successful candidate will receive expenses only, however, should it be picked up by a network, there would be a long contract put in place. For further information please

    Direct Link: 
    Closing Date: 30/11/2011 
    Location: Birmingham 
    Posted by: Lord tony Teano – Tv Presenter/ Producer /Writer, Vidadd Productons 

    It may also be worth contacting Birmingham’s Film Office

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