Music writers wanted

Interesting thing in the current Capsule newsletter which I’ll reprint here.

Budding music critics – please get in touch. We’ve been talking to Plan B Magazine and we’d like to encourage more coverage of West Midlands activity, if you’d like us to put you forward please get in touch and we’ll send your details on – it means you’ll be able to blag your way into shows for free :)

This again echoes the chat I had with Matt Price (written up on the Custard Factory blog) and it’s nice to see Capsule have recognised the importance of this. While having local blogs and magazines talking up the city’s music scene is great there are also national and international publications and sites which can have a role to play – they just need people to write for them. The reason London-based bands get coverage in the press is because that’s where the critics are. Capsule have access to these platforms.

If you are interested in this but haven’t written much I’d advise you to start now. Don’t wait for the first commission – set up a blog (it’ll take five minutes, if that, using Blogger or and write about the last gig you went to. Then do it again. You’ll get better with practice. And if you think you’re ready give Capsule a shout.


  1. Freelance Writer for Hire!

    I am currently taking on further paid freelance assignments. At present, I contribute material to a number of magazines and websites as a freelance writer. I have a solid reputation for providing consistent, quality web content in the form of articles, reviews, interviews and blog entries.

    The bulk of my contributions have been made as a freelance music reviwer, examples of which can be found via the links in the ’music’ category of my portfolio at:

    I have also contributed material on various topics including current affairs, technology and, in particular, short humour (reference the ‘life’ category in my portfolio at

    For more information about myself, please visit my ‘about’ page at:

    Direct links to published material may be found via my main page, along with a link to my myspace profile page.

    So, if you’re looking for writers at the moment and you think my style and format would suit, please feel free to contact me.


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