Arts volunteering matchmaking

Arts & Business are organising a match-making event to pair up willing volunteers with arts organisations who could do with a helping hand. They say:

Come and join us for a glass of wine and mingle with representatives from theatres, museums, festivals and galleries who would love your help this year bringing cutting edge art to Birmingham.

Whatever time or skills you have to offer we will look to match you to the right opportunity. These could be in marketing, set design, accountancy, tour guiding, front of house, customer services, exhibition set up, shop assistant, even HR!

If you’re at all interested in getting involved in the arts in some way then this is probably worth a punt. A few years back I volunteered on Fierce Festival 11. Through that I met loads of interesting people and, although this wasn’t the expectation, I was offered all sorts of opportunities to get involved in other things. So arts volunteering gets a thumbs up from me.

It’ll be on Monday 19 Sept 2011 from 6 to 8pm at etc.venues (Maple House, 150 Corporation Street). You can register here.