Chloe Blackwell wins award

Congrats to Chloe Blackwell who won the National Express Student Bands compo at Gigbeth last weekend.


I didn’t realise this but the competition took place in the coach station itself which seems an inspired idea. As Chloe says “it was probably the most unusual place I have played in. There were coaches coming in and out all the time and people were dancing as they queued to get on. The atmosphere was amazing.” Hmm. There’s a potential here…

Since I’m old enough to be her dad I wouldn’t want to inflict my judgment upon the music but going on the MySpace it seems pretty good.

One Comment

  1. Would like to give both Gigbeth and National Express a big credit for having the energy and vision to stage this event. It sounded like the most unlikely location for a concert but … it really did work well! Don’t get to Birmingham very often – but that’s going to change for sure. The Gigbeth experience over the 3 days was bang on! I gigged until my feet were shouting for help .. and some of the ‘seminars’ were really useful. Met a load of great people and definitely coming back next year. Rock on you Brummies … who needs to go to London?

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