Making Links – livestream

Today from 5pm Leaps and Bounds are putting on a performance at the Mushroom Green Chain Shop in the Netherton/Dudley Wood area. And you can watch it HERE! LIVE!

Leaps and Bounds are the ones that did Ballet Hoo (screened on Channel 4 in 2006) and, given that the chain shop is one of the oldest in the country, this could be quite a special thing. Here’s some blurb from the Dancing for the Games website:

Making Links is an exciting new dance project inspired by the industrial heritage of the Black Country. Over 2,000 young people are working with regional artists to explore the history of their local area. In Summer 2011 and 2012 you can see large exciting dance performances in unusual places throughout the Black Country

The livestream will be available below from 5pm. (Hopefully, if not head over to Dancing for the Games).

The order of play is:

  • 5pm Stream goes live
  • 5.45 Performance starts
  • 7.15 Finish