Strav #2: Mmm…

Stravinksy, it seems, is like buses, though the other Igor-related performance this weekend is not as, shall we say, formal as the BRB one. You’ve probably seen the posters for Michael Clark’s Mmm… Stravinsky Project with the amusing “contains some nudity” warning in small type under it. You think? (By the way, if you turn … [Read more…]

Fierce: Noise Forecast

As well as the headline and, dare I say it, traditional events in the Fierce diary there are a number of ancillary projects floating around the edges of the festival. One of these, Noise Forecast, starts tomorrow. Based on research involving interviews with local residents, ambient sound recordings and the measurement of environmental sound levels … [Read more…]

Sky Orchestra Update 3

“This event is postponed until the weather conditions improve. Please keep checking the site for further announcements. If we all close our eyes and wish really hard for the wind to change we can make it happen!” I have a vision of myself sometime in 2008 writing “Sky Orchestra Update 56″…

Sky Orchestra Update

Not happening Tuesday morning. I’ll keep you posted as I hear about Wednesday / Thursday. Shame it’s not a dusk thing as it’s quite lovely out tonight… (If you’re thinking “huh?”)

Fierce 10 announced

Big news of the day is that the programme for the Fierce Festival has been announced and by heck there’s a lot on. Starting right now is the previously blogged Mirage Film Festival with the rest of the events clogging up the month of May like so much artistic hair in the creative plughole. Rather … [Read more…]