Diplo Florida

Currently topping the Clipstar Animation category, this lovely piece of work by Birmingham agency Warblefly. Here’s their Animation Forum profile which is where I heard about it (though I think I saw a preview on another blog a while back).

Don’t Touch

Louis Hudson’s animation Don’t Touch is currently in the lead on the Clipstar Animation chart. If it stays there for 72 more days he’ll win a load of money. via Animation Forum

Looking Forward

Animation Forum give notice of Looking Forward, a half day event this Wednesday for the audio-visual industry. This is an excellent opportunity for Animation Forum members to voice their opinions on the skills needs of the regions’ animation sector, as well as discover the business support available. The Animation Group at this event will be … [Read more…]

Animation Forum’s new site

Animation Forum has a new website with a members area for people to upload their work to and connect with others in the area. Interestingly they’re also using a Facebook group for discussions which is a sensible move – using a service that already exists and most people are already on.

My pick from Flip

If I was going to go to just one event at the Flip Animation Festival (and remember this is me I’m talking about not necessarily you) then it’d be Animation in the YouTube Generation on Friday 2nd November from 3.30-6pm. This panel discussion will look at the impact of new and emerging online platforms and … [Read more…]

Post on Animation

Following on from the Flip launch The Post has a article on the local animation industry that says 3D animation is our strength citing The Character Shop as a major player.