Wikipedia Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Wikipedia 32 32 RBSA Backstage Pass Thu, 01 Nov 2012 09:35:31 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The Royal Birmingham Society of Artists (RBSA) is hosting a Wikipedia Backstage Pass event on Sunday 4th November. We are all familiar with the concept of Wikipedia, the encyclopedia which can be edited by anybody. This ability for institutions to contribute to their own entries, the bredth and depth of topics covered, combined with the inclusion of media (pictures, video and sound) make the site a powerful tool and this event will explore how cultural institutions, in this case the gallery, can utilise this huge potential.

The Backstage Pass event will see a small group (numbers are limited to 8 in this case) of gallery staff and both new and experiencied Wikipedians take a tour of the RBSA’s permanent collections and collaborate to add to and improve the gallerys Wikipedia entries. It will provide a crash course in editing Wikipedia and adding media content.

If you’d be interested in attending please contact the gallery on 0121 236 4353
