verbalise Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 verbalise 32 32 Verbalise and Visualise Tue, 01 Jun 2010 17:00:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Two new things (to me, at least) gleaned from the arts bit of the BCC website. First up, Verbalise which culminates in a performance on Thurs 3 June:

A celebration of young people’s written and spoken words. Verbalise showcases the talents of Birmingham’s emerging spoken word artists and performance poets, kicking off with a series of Saturday afternoon workshops led by renowned spoken word artist PolarBear. Verbalise culminates in two days of performances, in and around Birmingham City Centre and appearances as part of the Young Readers festival in Birmingham Central Library and at Aston Hall’s Book Bash.

And Visualise, which is slated for the end of October 2010:

At its heart will be a major open visual arts competition for young people of all ages, to be hosted in a high profile city centre venue. The festival will also offer the chance to see the work of other arts and community organisations from across the city, working with young people and the visual arts.

A coordinator is needed for that one, if you’re interested.
