vaad theatre Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 vaad theatre 32 32 Three more Custard Factory events Wed, 03 Dec 2008 00:12:52 +0000 [Read more...]]]> As Nicky Digbeth says:

I’ve been thinking ‘bloody hell, the Custard Factory’s busier than usual’. I suspect it’s not, it’s just that all the great stuff going on there is now getting posted on the blog.

At the risk of labouring the oft-repeated point, blogging can help get you noticed.

Anyway, hot on the heels of a recent wodge of CF events, here are the flyers for three more taking place in the Vaad Theatre:

Connecting Routes is an interactive exhibition presented by a group of young people who’ve been exploring Birmingham’s links and role within slavery. On 13/14 December, call or email to reserve places (details on the flyer).

Lost in Space 2 is a ‘trade and business exhibition’ featuring those operating at the Custard Factory. In case you can’t read the lurid green writing on pink background, 5-7pm on 15 December then 10am – 6pm daily until 19 December.

Sorry, I’ve hacked the flyer for PILOT Nights in half to fit it on the page. This looks really good, with 6 theatrical shorts being presented in one evening for a bargain £5. On Thurs 18 December, first act at 7.30pm.
