trainers Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 trainers 32 32 Festival Street, big cash and dress codes Fri, 20 Nov 2009 10:44:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Digbeth High Street – Festival Street

The idea was put forward by Cllr Martin Mullaney on The Stirrer the other day – Millennium Square is going to be unavailable soon as it’s being turned into a park. Of course, this suggestion came in the aftermath (and I don’t think that’s a completely unreasonable phrase to use. Or would ‘debacle’ be better? ‘Embarrassment’, maybe?) of the Christmas Lights switch-on.

A fine question from Nicky Getgood though:

how will the council deal with noise complaints from local residents who find the festivals disruptive?

Money for art

BMAG is to be given £4.8m towards a new wing forming part of the £9.7million project called Birmingham – A City in the Making. It may one day hold the Staffordshire Hoard (to whit – donations are being collected).

You can wear jeans and trainers to the ballet

You knew that, right?
