tpwm Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 tpwm 32 32 Turning Point West Midlands: Artist Discussion Mon, 09 Aug 2010 11:51:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Another Turning Point meeting is being held on 11 August, 6:30-8pm at Eastside Projects for those of you who missed the previous one.

These informal meetings are the first stage in a process to develop a Visual Arts Strategy for the West Midlands and will feed in to the Working Groups.

The TPWM Steering Group has identified Artist Support and Development as a key priority for the Strategy. The purpose of the meeting is to look at how we do this for the West Midlands and to outline progress to-date.

This is a free public event, if you are unable to attend views are welcomed through the feedback page of the new Turning Point West Midlands website .
