tony iommi Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 tony iommi 32 32 Tony Iommi on the Walk of Stars Wed, 19 Nov 2008 15:26:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Normally I’d avoid mentioning (or thinking about) the desperate cry-for-attention that is Broad Street’s Walk of Stars, but the Capsule ladies have managed to find a pretty compelling angle to the latest addition.

Tony Iommi – guitarist for Black Sabbath – is the next person to be honoured, which ties in nicely with the Home of Metal project:

Home of Metal encourages fans of Black Sabbath to be photographed wearing their prized band t-shirts.  Images will be taken by the Birmingham photographer Steve Gerrard. The photographs will then go on display on the Home Of Metal website and in future exhibitions.

That’s all happening on 23 Nov at 6.30pm, with Kerrang hosting live bands in Centenary Square earlier in the afternoon.  More info on the Home of Metal blog.

Capsule are hosting Racebannon + Trencher + Dream Dreams The Dreamer at the Hare & Hounds later that evening. They’ve also got Clinic at the Factory Club tomorrow (Thurs) night.

Last word goes to Tony (from the Walk of Stars website):

It’s great – it’s really an honour – I’m really proud of it … I was shocked!  It’s so nice to have things like that! I’ve got one out in LA but I’m not from LA – It’s so nice being recognised in your home town”

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