tom horton Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 tom horton 32 32 Tom Horton on MySpace Wed, 26 Nov 2008 13:29:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Plenty good news for Tom Horton this week. Not only has one of his pictures been featured by MySpace (see screengrab below) but he’s been picked to be MySpace’s featured photographer for Birmingham.

This will involve me picking out 3 of the most exciting hip and happening gigs / club events a week to go and cover for myspace.

Tom says if any promoters (gigs, clubs, etc) have events coming up and would like him to cover them and have them featured on MySpace then they should get in touch with him.

Tom’s also updated his website recently and has a blog featuring this post on the MySpace news.

While looking on that MySpace page I noticed another Birmingham photographer has been featured – Ursula Roxy. So congrats to her too.

Links for June 10th Tue, 10 Jun 2008 07:30:45 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Clusta: Pushing Forward
    Behance Magazine have some flattering things to say about Clusta.
  • Capsule’s Sonar Showcase
    More news of Birmingham hitting the international scene – Capsule are taking Birmingham’s ZX Spectrum Orchestra and Pram to Barcelona for a showcase next Thursday.
  • Antonio Roberts at B-VAC
    Antonio says thanks to everyone who went down to the first B-VAC exhibition and has copies of his work for those who couldn’t make it.
  • Autumn Store – A Post about Blogs
    Dunc from the Autumn Store rounds up some blogs by local indie popsters and such, incl Colour, Bettyblog, Superbonusland and Ace Bushy Striptease
  • What’s On In Brum? | The Blog – Bass Festival Launch Party
    Tom Horton was at the launch of the BASS Festival at the Woom Gallery and has put his photos up.
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