this is tomorrow Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 this is tomorrow 32 32 Secret Admirer Sun, 22 Jan 2012 08:22:22 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Secret Admirer puts interviews with bands, mainly from around Birmingham and the West Mids, on her blog. I was just at the This Is Tomorrow gig the other night at the Hare & Hounds, so the Matt Beck interview and Silver Souvenirs made for good reading.

Is anyone else out there blogging about Birmingham’s music scene? The Blue Whale Blog used to be my main place for that kind of thing but that’s been quiet for a while. BrumNotes and Counteract do a decent job but there must be more (especially non-indie stuff) out there.

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Call for new writers Wed, 22 Dec 2010 08:45:07 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Self Service and This is Tomorrow have launched a new pilot mentoring scheme for new writers in the West Midlands, offering an opportunity for an emerging writer to develop skills in critical writing for publication.

I’m just going to copy and paste the information:

The scheme intends to encourage writing practice within the West Midlands, giving a platform for new writers to gain public exposure, experience and professional development, whilst simultaneously promoting arts activity in the region to a wider audience.

The writer will receive 3 half-day mentoring sessions from the This is Tomorrow team:

  • James Smith (focus on research, planning and editorial).
  • Lorena Munoz-Alonso (focus on artists interviews / features).
  • Josephine Breese (focus on reviews and writing style).

In addition the writer will have two half-day mentoring sessions with Sally O’Reilly which will focus on writing practice.

The writer will be expected to produce three pieces of critical writing (as detailed below), which will be published on and

  • A review of Flatpack or Fierce Festival (500words), March 2011
  • An interview/feature on a West Midlands based practitioner or artist-led organisation (1000 words), June 2011
  • A review of all, or a part of The Event 2011 (1000 words),  October 2011

Application process

Applicants should send:

  • A short letter of application stating why you have applied for this opportunity and what you hope to gain from it.
  • Two examples of critical writing (around 500 words each).
  • An up to date CV


Deadline: Friday 14th January 2011

Jam Fu, Mama Feel Good and Brum Notes Thu, 02 Dec 2010 20:42:20 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Jahmai ‘Jam Fu’ Jones blogs at The Inner Sanctum, dances with Smash Bro’z and MDK and is involved in Down By Law (a night at The Victoria.

He’s also one of the dancers who jumped on stage with KRS-One at the HMV Institute recently:

Speaking of Down By Law, they’re running the second room at Mama Feel Good’s Christmas Get Down at that new place called PST on Saturday 11 December. Facebook event here.

Mama Feel Good - The Christmas Get Down

Speaking of musical Christmas bashes, I’ve just spotted the line-up for the Brum Notes/Speech Fewapy Christmas do on the Victoria’s website:

FRI 17th BRUM NOTES & SPEECH FEWAPY RECORDS CHRISTMAS PARTY – The Traps, Calories, Cajole Cajole, Tom Peel, Greg Bird, plus DJ sets from Malpas, Tantrums, Victories at Sea, Speech Fewapy and This is Tomorrow – 7.30pm, FREE
On Facebook: BRUM NOTES

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What Fierce will be getting up to Tue, 20 Apr 2010 12:06:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Intrepid reporter that I am, I went along to the Fierce Start Party last week to see what Laura and Harun, the new artistic directors, are planning for the next 12 months.

If you’re not familiar with Fierce they’ve been responsible for some of the most weird, wonderful and worrying live art presented in Birmingham over the past… well, ever.

The event was covered by this is tomorrow who’ve collected together audio, video and some photos, including this interview with Laura McDermott:

and this general summation of the whole thing:

Strikingly, the artistic-directors do not know the content of the next festival, due to commence in February 2011. Over the next ten months audiences will be able to follow the development of these projects as they emerge in response to a series of visits to the city. The fruition of these journeys will culminate in the festival.

The Fierce Festival Caravan of Artists 2010-11 (as they’re calling it) includes Eitan Buchalter, Sheila Ghelani, Stan’s Cafe, Plan B, Lundahl&Seitl, Quarantine, Jeanne van Heeswijk, James Webb, Kira O’Reilly, Dominic Johnson, Manu Luksch & Mukul Patel, Denis Tricot and EXZYT.

A nice touch was the loyalty cards they handed out to everyone who attended. Some super sleuthing tells me that dates for forthcoming Fierce events are:

  • 24-26 April 2010 – Fierce Interrobang 1: Regeneration
  • 24-26 September 2010 – Fierce Interrobang 2
  • 11 November 2010 – Fierce Countdown
  • 22-27 February 2011 – Fierce Festival

And if you don’t know, now you know.

CiB links for 6 April 2010 Tue, 06 Apr 2010 15:58:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Kino Concrète: Two Thousand Maniacs! « More Canals than Venice
    Basement Bar (top of New St in the city centre) have a free film night. Noted.
  • INTERVIEW: A Conversation with Dave Juste
    Scene Not Heard have a natter with Dave Juste from Subculture
  • Midlands Media Awards launched
    This is aimed mainly at journos. Deadline for entries is 16 April.
  • The Major Arcana « More Canals than Venice
    “The project included over 35 models, a team of make-up artists and prop/costume creation by BCU students”. Coming soon to the Works Gallery. Soon as in 12-16 April
  • thisisfeed: jon burgerman at FEED
    “Jon Burgerman will be giving a FEED seminar on May19th”
  • James Langdon shortlisted for Grafik Design Awards « We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    “James Langdon, designer of the We Are Eastside identity has been shortlisted for the Grafik Design Awards 2010”. Congrats, James!
  • This Is Tomorrow
    This Is Tomorrow do club nights, have consistently good posters (by Lewes Herriot) and have a new website with mixes and such thereupon
  • Ikon Eastside announces 2010 programme « We Are Eastside
    “Ikon Eastside has announced its programme of exhibitions for 2010, opening on Thursday 27th May with an installation from German sound artist Florian Hecker”
  • Rediscovering Birmingham’s movie meccas | Film |
    “The Flatpack film festival’s Odeon bus tour unspooled the story of the rise and fall of Oscar Deutsch’s 1930s art deco picture palaces”
  • Scene Not Heard Birmingham – Bands, Promoters and Local Music Portal: Scene Not Heard presents…THE SATURDAY MATINÉES
    This is an Interesting Idea. Having had a look at the problems with getting folks to go to gigs, these have decided to put bands on at Island Bar on Saturday afternoons
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