thericeshow Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 thericeshow 32 32 (Insert hyperbole here) Fri, 12 Sep 2008 09:59:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I don’t want to come across like an advert for football on Sky, but there are three things happening in Birmingham this weekend and they’re all (to coin a phrase) kind of a big deal:

  • Project X Presents (Sat 13th, 8pm to 3am) – this promises to be very cool indeed.  Comedy, music, visuals, weird buzzing boxes… A new city centre venue to explore, sensible drink prices and only a tenner.  Check out the website for pics of how it’s all been coming together over the past week.
  • Of All The People In All The World (today, 6.30pm until 5 Oct) – Stan’s Cafe bring their big, crazy and thought-provoking show to Birmingham.  “112 tonnes of rice – 6.7 billion grains – one for everyone on the planet”.
  • Artsfest (all weekend) – the UK’s biggest arts festival.  If you can’t find anything to enjoy then… well, I don’t know.  It’s not as if people haven’t been trying to help you find the good stuff.

There’ll probably be some collective memory shenanigans coming up so if you go to any of these things and take photos/video/blog about them then chuck a link here and it’ll go into the pot.

Oh, and tag anything Stan’s Cafe-related with ‘thericeshow’ for it to feed into the clever little website for The Rice Show.

Finding your way around Artsfest Wed, 10 Sep 2008 18:36:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Artsfest is a big sprawling beast of a festival and a difficult one to wrangle from a listings perspective. A few people have chipped in with their take on how things could/should be presented but for me, while all of them help in some way, none of them really hit the nail on the head.  Still here are they:

I’m pretty sure that the small team running Artsfest wouldn’t have the budget or reach to put something like the above together, so it’s great to see the local community take it upon themselves.

In case it’s of any use to anyone, here’s what I’m planning to do.  Or at least what I think looks interesting.

Friday evening

Friday’s fun takes place against the backdrop of Light Night, of course.

  • Stan’s Cafe are opening the doors of AE Harris Factory (110 Northwood Street, B3 1SZ) for Of All The People In All The World (6.30-9pm)
  • From 7pm (not sure until when) there are two interesting things happening at the Council House.  Definitely worth seeing are Willard Wigan’s astounding micro sculptures.  Sonia Bhamra will be Painting With Light in another room which might be worth a look if you’re there
  • Gallery 10 at BM&AG has Comfortism who, I think, mixes up poetry, theatre and stand-up with the odd bit of audience participation.  Could be interesting
  • At 8pm there’s a parade from the Pavillions to Centenary Square
  • The Town Hall present Late Night Light Night and they’ll be open from 8pm for perfomances by Soweto Kinch, The Sub Ensemble, Manga and Maylight (who I’m looking forward to seeing)


Saturday’s the tricky one.  There’s loads happening so the best thing might just be to go for a wander around the city centre and see what you stumble across.  That said…

  • Nic Gaunt’s exhibition ‘The Rotunda: 21 Stories‘ will be at The Pavillions all day
  • From 3.30pm to 4.30pm there’s Raw Magic which is “a visual installation and promenade performance built into a maze of tents, for audiences to explore and choose which direction they would like to take”.  Some of the people here were involved in the very popular B1 Labyrinths from this year’s Fierce Festival
  • From 8pm to 10pm BRB, CBSO and Birmingham Opera Company share the Centenary Square stage for one of the weekend’s big items.  Plus there’ll be fireworks.
  • After that it’s Project X Presents for me.  It’s not Artsfest-related but it does look pretty exciting, so that’s where I’ll be.


  • If I’m functioning at 12pm then I’ll want some ‘beautiful heartwarming acoustic/electronica music’.  At the Custard Factory, Elliot Jack will be playingjust that.
  • After that I might wander into the Custard Factory Theatre for some short flicks courtesy of Shortcuts
  • From 7pm Needle & Thread Theatre are doing the rather charming-looking ‘Between The Lines’ – walking theatre around the Central Library.  This is on on Saturday too (call 07530 939 380 to book a free place)
  • It’s Kerrangfest in Centenary Square from 12pm with The Mexicolas, The Metros, Envy & Other Sins and The Levellers later in the evening.

Of course, whether I actually get round a fraction of all of that is another question.

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Links for September 8th Mon, 08 Sep 2008 12:43:05 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Donald Savage report and evaluation
    Remember Donald Savage’s Invisible Arts Exhibition Programme? Well the evaluation report is out with input from luminaries such as Mr Whatby (Conservative Counselling) amongst others
  • The Rice Show
    A kind of automatic collective memory/aggregator thing for the upcoming Stan’s Cafe production ‘Of All The People In All The World’. Anything tagged thericeshow should show up on there
  • CELR: Brownfield canvas: how the Arts can support the regeneration of brownfield land
    Happening on 25 Sept at The Tower Ballroom and presented by the Arts Council “The event will also include a focus on the Arts as a creative medium, which can help transform a space, enriching a community or an area through its processes”
  • Rich Batsford – Project X Presents: Digital Dystopia Sat Sept 13
    “You are cordially invited to the one and only performance of our unique Project X Presents event Digital Dystopia”. Just a week to go, there are some snippets of info about what’s going on here. I’m quite excited about this
  • Birmingham Words – Storytelling in Birmingham
    The Traditional Arts Team have some upcoming storytelling events in Birmingham, happening once a month at the Kitchen Garden Cafe in Kings Heath
  • Birmingham Jazz News: September Newsletter
    A couple of chances to check out Maylight with Lizzy Sparks – for free at the Town Hall as part of Light Night then at the Rainbow later in the month. There’s a preview of Oct too, with the very exciting prospect of The Heritage Orchestra performing Amon Tobin’s music
  • 7inch september listings
    A nice big long list of events for September, lots of filmic stuff and some other things too. Plus a call for someone with money to burn to convert Kings Heath’s recently closed bingo hall back into a cinema… anyone?
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