the voyage Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the voyage 32 32 Two more Voyages to go Sat, 23 Jun 2012 16:39:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The Voyage was cancelled due to inclement weather on Thursday when I went down to check it out, but it went ahead last night, with lots of people saying good things about it afterwards. You’ve got a couple more chances to check it out.

If you want a flavour of what to expect, then Martin Pickard’s has a load of lovely photos from the rehearsals.

A side note: I saw a complaint on Twitter about The Voyage not being very well advertised (from someone who heard about it, went along and enjoyed it). I wasn’t there but I’ve heard crowd estimates of between 3,000-4,500 people, which sounds pretty good for something starting at 10pm on a less-than-balmy evening. This pic certainly makes Victoria Sq look pretty full.

I’m not dismissing the comment out of hand though. I’ve heard quite a lot about The Voyage over the past few months, but then I’m plugged into pretty much every possible source for this kind of news. I wonder if the problem is that we just haven’t got enough ways to get the news out around Birmingham at the moment.

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Links for 25 May 2012 Fri, 25 May 2012 07:05:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Goldie Speaking after the final performance of Wings of Desire – IDFB 2012
    Nice little interview this.
  • The Golden Age of silver.mp4 – YouTube
    “A BBC Production with the Birmingham Assay office as a Key Contributor”
  • Celebrating Sanctuary Birmingham – Home of Birmingham’s World Music Festival.
    Showcasing the UK’s refugee musical culture, both traditional and contemporary, alongside music from across the world
  • Supersonic Festival – 10th anniversary | WeFund project
    Capsule are doing the crowdfunding thing for Supersonic this year
  • Jewellery Quarter Popup Art Exhibition at The Spectacle Works June 2012
    Midland`s artists are invited to submit artwork for inclusion in a selling exhibition to be located at the heart of the Jewellery Quarter, Birmingham in June 2012
  • Birmingham Council garden at RHS Chelsea Flower Show
    Birmingham City Council is the only local authority in the UK to have a stand at this year’s flower show
  • Participant Call Out: If Only I Could
    “a basic level of physical fitness and awareness of your own body is an advantage”. Sorry, but that bit made me laugh.
  • Radio To Go: Reggae City. This year, they got The Beat
    Yet another good post by Robin Valk – this time talking to Jon Walsh and Ranking Roger about the Reggae City festival (2 June at the Rainbow in Digbeth)
  • The Voyage rehearsals at Birmingham NEC – a set on Flickr
    A sneak peek at the upcoming show
  • ]]>
    Links for 14 May 2012 Mon, 14 May 2012 11:41:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Is Digbeth the new clubbing capital of Britain? | Digbeth is Good
    Interesting. Also, seeing as how I’ve mentioned LAB11, Gibb Street Warehouse and Air on here recently, there might even be a small chance I’ve got my finger somewhere near the pulse after all
  • A destination wedding in Sierra Leone with Lee Allen photography | Rock My Wedding
    Rock My Wedding features Lee Allen’s trip to Sierra Leone to photograph a wedding with 1,100 guests
  • Supersonic ) Info ) Jobs
    This could be good – Capsule are looking for a new design illustration person/team to give the Supersonic Festival a new look
  • Pictures in the News | May 1, 2012 – Los Angeles Times
    A peek at The Voyage, coming to Birmingham soon…
  • ]]>
    Ping It, Ring It, Roll It, Write It Sun, 06 May 2012 08:27:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> There’s a load of entertaining-looking madness happening at AE Harris today, presented by Birmingham Conservatoire. If you were to drop in between midday and 5pm you’d be able to catch:

    The full timetable of events is here and tickets are £6 max.

    Links for 27 April 2012 Fri, 27 Apr 2012 11:13:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The Voyage
    The website for the big outdoor spectacular seems to be up now. Looks like a big, interesting thing and they’re after a load of volunteers too (click ‘get involved’)
    A photographic exhibition happening in a couple of weeks time
  • Martin Parr: Teddy Gray’s Sweet Factory on Vimeo
    I linked to a 2 minute version of this back in Jan but missed the longer version. Here it is. Commissioned by Multistory with thanks to the folks at Fluid for flagging it up.
  • Alex Bermingham – The Amazing Paper
    These are pretty cool
  • ]]>
    The Voyage Sat, 25 Feb 2012 10:16:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Although I made it along to the Pointe Blank launch on Monday, I missed the launch of The Voyage – a big, public spectacle taking place in Victoria Square over four nights (21 to 24 June) as one of the opening events for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad.

    It’s being produced by the Hippodrome and created by Motionhouse and Legs On The Wall. The latter’s website says:

    It involves six performers from Legs, twelve from Motionhouse, a choir of 40, an all women brass band and 140 community performers. It is co-directed by Legs On The Wall’s Artistic Director Patrick Nolan and Motionhouse’s Kevin Finnan.

    Sounds impressive.

    Incidentally, this is a good example of how to do a website for a project that hasn’t launched yet. None of this ‘watch this space’ or ‘come back when we’re ready’ nonsense. Instead grab a website visitor’s contact details so you can let them know as soon as there’s any news.

    The Voyage

    Oh, and I’ve also been reminded that Stan’s Cafe are doing a Cultural Olympiad-related project called The Voyage. That one will be on 6 May.
