the rainbow Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the rainbow 32 32 Everything* launches today Thu, 09 Jun 2011 00:53:52 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Endeavour Space Shuttle Blastoff

(Photo is Endeavour Space Shuttle Blastoff by jurvetson)

Thankfully Heath Mill Studios have written up 3/4 of it already, so here’s a digest:

Digbeth triple launch

At 5pm, Heath Mill Studios are opening their doors for the first time and Bay Leaf, a new Bangladeshi restaurant in the Custard Factory, are providing the food – I think this counts as their launch too.

At 8pm everyone’s going to leg it over to The Rainbow for the BASS Festival launch. Ghostpoet‘s performing and he’s meant to be good.

BE at the mac**

If theatre’s your thing then the BE Festival is launching at the MAC tonight with various things and stuff happening there. The festival itself doesn’t start for a good few weeks, but you can’t knock the enthusiasm to get started.

On top of all of that

They’re not launching anything, but Yo La Tengo, Welsh National Opera and Doc Brown are all in town (not all on the same bill, more’s the pity). Aren’t we lucky to live somewhere with so much stuff going on? Yes, we are.

(* not everything)
(** see what I did there?)

Electric Carnival Mon, 30 May 2011 10:58:31 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Eclectricity Presents - Electric Carnival

On Saturday Electric Carnival is taking over half of Digbeth – the HMV Institute, Custard Factory, Air, Heath Mill Lane car park and the Rainbow venues – and they’ve got space for 9,000 people (1,500 more than last year). That’s kinda big.

Via Digbeth is Good, who also have a map of road closures for the more logistically minded.

A couple of Japanese tsunami fundraisers Wed, 20 Apr 2011 15:51:12 +0000 A couple of club nights raising money for the Japanese tsunami with money from both going to the Red Cross’s appeal.

Face is first up on 23 April at The Rainbow in Digbeth.

Face Japan fundaiser flyer

Heducation‘s will be on 3 June at the Hare and Hounds in Kings Heath.

heducation japan fundraiser flyer

A Tribute to Tony Levin Thu, 17 Feb 2011 08:55:04 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Tony Levin with Mujician on the Tony Levin at 70 tour at the mac, Birmingham on 9th October 2010

On 23 February, Mostly Jazz were set to launch their 2011 Festival at The Rainbow, with a performance from a trio of contemporary Jazz performers; local, world class drummer, Tony Levin (above), saxophonist Paul Dunmall and young bass player Nick Jurd.

Sadly, Tony Levin passed away earlier this month, and so the gig is now set to go ahead in tribute to him, featuring the musicians originally booked to play alongside the legendary drummer.

The first set at 9pm will feature the Nick Jurd Quartet with Rachel Cohen on saxophone, Sam Wooster on trumpet, Nick on bass and Jim Bashford on drums. The second set will feature Paul Dunmall on saxophone, Mark Sanders and Tony’s son, Miles Levin on drums and Nick Jurd who Tony had personally chosen for the original gig.

Tickets for this event are £5, for more information, visit Birmingham Jazz, where they’ve also posted a tribute piece.

All proceeds will be donated to Blue Chairs: Shropshire Blood Trust Fund

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Eastern Electronic Festival Fri, 04 Feb 2011 08:55:16 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

The Eastern Electronic Festival is a new six day festival, taking place from 28 February – 5 March, featuring music, film screenings, art exhibitions, panel debates and world premieres of visual-artworks.

The festival will celebrate progressive Asian music and multimedia art, spreading itself across the city, with events taking place at venues including The Custard Factory, The Rainbow and The Hockley.

They’ll also be showcasing the work of four emerging South Asian artists in online exhibition “M-V Future”. From 28 Feb, the exhibition with feature work from film director Mandeep Singh Jutla, live-music photographer Gobinder Jhitta, VJ-visual artist Coco Edwards and contemporary conceptual artist Kulwinder Bajar, .

There’s plenty of free events going on, including a film and karaoke night, with the premier screening of Sholay flip-animation (1 March),  a panel discussion entitled “Is it time to stop calling is Asian music?” (2 March), and Unplugged with Sanchita Farruque (2 March).

For a full line-up of performers, exhibitions and events, take a look at the online programme.

Events from 28 Feb – 3 Mar are free entry, but should be pre-booked, and tickets are £10 a day for Fri 4/ Sat 5, or £18 for both. Visit the website for information on how and where to book.

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2010 Year in Review: April Mon, 03 Jan 2011 11:58:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]> April was a busy month by the looks of things. The 4am Project took the opportunity of the fourth day of the fourth month to take an early morning photowalk, there was a look at what could be expected from the MAC reopeningInternational Dance Festival Birmingham got into gear and all sorts of events popped up in the CiB Shop.

The CiB Shop window was jazzed up with the help of Birmingham Royal Ballet, Art Detection Services set up their workshop in store and Shady Bird popped by to play a set. In other CiB news, CiBmail was launched.

The Rainbow announced their plans for developments and expansion both upstairs and below, we said goodbye to more independent record shops and sampad celebrated their 20th anniversary.


Trove showed some science, we had a nosey at CBSO’s summer programme and some behind the scenes footage from The Electric showed up.

Not My Type brought together “a veritable who’s who of Brum talent” (to quote myself) and, in other illustration-related news, the Love To Print crowd released Patterns #1.

Other things to look back on and go ‘oh yeah, I remember that’ include Such Tweet Sorrow, BAP’s document on Birmingham’s Creative Capital, the Big Culture Blog and a call for “more of the Simon Rattle effect”. Also, In Our Backyard looked interesting and Chris Bates made a video for Munchbreak’s Television:

Halloween Festivities Tue, 19 Oct 2010 07:59:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The generally stress free holiday of Halloween presents an excuse for some thrilling fun for all ages. Here’s a run down of a few things going on in Birmingham;

Since Halloween falls on a weekend, it would be a crime to let an opportunity to get dressed up go unmentioned. Most weekend club nights will be welcoming heavy eyeliner and fake blood, on the only occasion where you can get away with wearing a bin liner, here’s a few that stand out;

Plus outfit inspiration is provided by this month’s issue of Area for how to pull off a creepy-but-cool costume, with just the right amount of effort to keep your street cred.

Some things picked up from the comments Thu, 08 Apr 2010 13:05:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]> First up, Fluid‘s Jonny Costello points out that The Rainbow does have a website – it’s at

Dave Harte pointed out the Aston Triangle Cinema Club, with the website proclaiming:

The Aston Triangle Cinema Club has been created in order to put on high quality and interesting films from around the world for the benefit of Aston staff, students and the public

Screening programme here. Facebook group here.

Dom (from Tak) says of Home of Metal:

Maybe you could feature the new website which has now gone live & ask your audience to dig out any memorabilia they might have – photos, videos or just stories.

Which sounds fair enough. We’ve mentioned this one a few times already, but it’s a good project so what the heck. Go here and get involved:

Developments over at The Rainbow Wed, 07 Apr 2010 10:59:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Some good copy from Kent Davis at The Rainbow on their upcoming plans:

May 2010 sees the start our most ambitious period of metamorphosis yet.  How do you get more underground than The Rainbow? – only one way – turn the cellar into a venue. The Cellar Door (opening May 28 2010) – is under the very floorboards of the The Rainbow itself.  The original Rainbow now consists of Bar, Courtyard and Cellar each delivering a specific flavour to the overall taste of this unique venue.

July 2010 heralds the arrival of The Mezzanine.

The Rainbow Warehouse has hosted some legendary nights and provided the springboard for some maverick and massively successful brands.  Anyone who promotes here has relished the sense of decadence that comes with partying under the arches or the frisson of danger provided by the imposing industrial ironwork throughout the interior.  There is only one place left to go UP.  Launching in July 2010 The Mezzanine will ensure Summer Daytime parties will be going to new levels as The Rainbow Warehouse installs  an innovative take on The Zoo Project and DC10, and allows for open air partying on tiered levels.

The Arena (opening October 2010) is at the Opposite end of Adderley Street.  Bringing massed ranks of more Victorian railway arches under the over-reaching  curve of The Rainbow’s embrace – The Arena is set to witness musical mayhem and battles reminiscent  of The Coliseum – whose  amphitheatre architecture it mimics.  This massive site alone can cater for a capacity of 5000.

The Rainbow Complex now contains 9 separate venues on the same street that can be utilised for events of 200-5000 in isolation, or combined via a road closures to create a unique self contained Urban complex for 10,000 – licensed until 6am.  This is unprecedented anywhere else in the UK.

Any chance of a proper website or something so we can find out what events are happening down there?

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Leon Sparkes Fri, 08 Jan 2010 12:00:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Leon Sparkes is an artist, painter, illustrator, author, graphic designer and music composer who’s also done bits and pieces on interior design with The Rainbow pub and Saint Caffe in St Pauls Square. I’ll let Leon explain more:

I have merged various art forms creating my own distinctive art style, creating storytelling trends and concepts. I’m enthusiastic and hard working. I’m success driven and enjoy making a difference to my space and environment. My Incentive is driven on the basis of ergonomics, our enviroment and landscape.

You can check out more of his stuff on his portfolio site.
