the rage ensemble Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the rage ensemble 32 32 The Spam Board Wed, 07 Oct 2009 21:26:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Only a couple of days in and there’s already some good (and helpful) chat over on the CiB Facebook Page.

I’m planning to use that page’s discussion board when I need to ask questions, rather than cluttering up the blog. For example, we’re currently asking for suggestions as to who it’d be good to go and interview.

I’ve also opened a topic over there called ‘The Spam Board‘. Forgive the slightly cheeky name, but that’s a place for people to promote whatever they’ve got going on. It’s another thing for me to dip into occasionally too, so for instance we’ve got:

Rage Arts – The Scent of Evil

rage arts the scent of evil

The Scent of Evil was made by The Rage Ensemble @ Birmingham Rathbone at The Urban Film Club. The club gives young people the opportunity to work with professionals to create short films. The young people worked with the director to create the story for The Scent of Evil and assisted behind the camera as well as appearing in the film itself

Friction Theatre – Mother Courage and Her Children by Bertolt Brecht

MC_poster_webOn at the Old Rep Theatre from tonight until Saturday 10 October:

Mother Courage and her Children is considered by many to be the greatest play of the 20th century. Brecht’s anti-war themes are as current today as when the play was first performed in 1941. Mother Courage’s business is war. She trades in brandy, boots and belts, endlessly dragging her children across Europe whilst attempting to protect them from the war’s devastating effects. Epic theatre at its most thought provoking.

What’s more, use the code ‘Friday Fiver’ when booking tickets via The Ticket Factory to take advantage of £5 for the show on Friday 9 October.

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Links for January 14th Wed, 14 Jan 2009 16:16:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Voting for the Weblog awards now over.
    Yes, the polls are closed and thanks to huge support CiB received the most votes in the Best UK Blog category. The winners are not officially announced until tomorrow, but whilst waiting you can go explore some of the nearly 500 finalist blogs in the 48 categories.
  • The Rage Ensemble Production » Open casting.
    Amateur arts organisation Rage Ensemble are putting on a production of ‘Our Country’s Good’ and are holding an open casting and workshops in Birmingham on 31st January. They are also looking for backstage support.
  • Birmingham Eastside Blog.
    A blog for an area of Brum with rich history and an exciting future – are looking for someone to write for, or take on this blog.
  • Emerging Producer Training Programme.
    Producers Forum have funding from Skillset to offer a heavily subsidised course for emerging producers.
  • D’log » Art cuts in 2010?
    D’log rounds up some worthwhile articles that discuss the possibility of money for the arts next year.
  • Live in Digbeth, Deritend or Highgate? Tell your story.
    Over the next three years or so Friction Arts be working on ‘Echoes From The Edge’. A collaboration with ‘Touchable Stories’ of Boston, USA to work with the communities surrounding their HQ on creating interactive living history exhibitions and a living archive for the histories and stories of the people of Digbeth, Deritend and Highgate.
  • Birmingham Music Archive.
    “The Birmingham Music Archive has been established to recognise and celebrate Birmingham’s rich musical heritage. We are interested in hearing and sharing the stories about the bands, the musicians, the venues and the great gigs that have taken place, the managers and promoters, the records shops, all those personal experiences and memories that surround and inform this vibrant city and its music.”
  • Remade Fashion Fair.
    Freedom Clothing are organising a fair for remade and recycled clothes etc. on the 21st Feb at the Custard factory.
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    Links for December 31st Wed, 31 Dec 2008 11:24:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Ones to watch in 2009 « West Midlands Dance
    The Guardian recommends a couple of Birmingham-based shows in its preview for 09
  • by the light divided
    Jack reviews gigs for Birmingham Live and this is his blog
  • Our next production – The Rage Ensemble
    The Rage Ensemble “are looking for people to be part of the ensemble cast for a production which we will be putting on at a Birmingham theatre”. Get in touch if you’re interested in getting involved
  • Regional Youth Arts Conference for the West Midlands
    “This free one-day regional conference brought to you by ENYAN (English National Youth Arts Network) and the Regional Youth Work Unit will act as a forum for the development of youth arts across the West Midlands region” It’s at The Public in West Brom on 24 March 09
  • Setting the Scene | Crescent Theatre Blog
    The latest edition of the Crescent Theatre’s brochure crescentscene is out
  • Fullrange Media are moving to Fazeley Studios
    And here’s a set of Flickr pics
  • The Hearing Aid: Envy & Other Sins / The Heathers / Mr Bones and the Dreamers / Tom Peel
    Review from the gig at The Rainbow, Digbeth Thursday 18th December 2008
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