the other way works Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the other way works 32 32 Links for 11 December 2011 Sun, 11 Dec 2011 12:38:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Make Your Voice Heard – City of Birmingham Symphony Orchestra – “What have the cuts meant to the CBSO? […] to balance the budget this year, we had to cut staff and costs, reduce education activity and remodel our concerts”. After the open letter from the MAC, here’s the CBSO
  • The Other Way Works – We are recruiting Board Members | The Other Way Works
    “The Other Way Works is currently recruiting Non-Executive (voluntary) Directors to join its Board of Directors.” Not sure if I should disclose that I’m on their board, but I will just in case. There are some great plans coming up for 2012
  • Beside the B-side: The Lilac Time: ‘Street Corner’
    “Street Corner is what it was like to grow up in the West Midlands in the 70s”.
  • The Old Wharf Closes. | Digbeth is Good
    “after five years Dave & Michelle have sadly taken the difficult decision to leave.  Finer hosts of the old school variety you couldn’t wish to meet”. Midge’s send-off to The Old Wharf
  • Massive Attack vs Burial – Paradise Circus
    I can’t see this soundtracking the proposed redevelopment so well
  • Network Music Festival « A hi-tech musical weekender // 27-29 January 2012
    A weekend of hi-tech musical performances, installations, workshops and talks where networking is central to the aesthetics, creation or performance practice of the work.
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    Heading to Edinburgh Mon, 08 Aug 2011 07:48:17 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Well, I’m not (more’s the pity) but plenty of others are. Among them:

    These two were previewed at the MAC the other week, following which everyone there had a bit of a chat:

    many representatives of WM companies heading up to Edinburgh this month got together to find out about each other’s shows and discuss how we can co-promote our work up there

    There’s now a hashtag – #WM2edin – people can lump Twitter activity around and Pippa Frith seems to be making the running in pulling together a list of folks who are travelling up.

    I’m sure there’ll be other shows up there too but the only other one I’m aware of is The Other Way Works’ Avon Calling (which I’ve seen and was good). The flyer for that one’s below. If you know of any other local folks taking shows up then hit me in the comments.

    Avon Calling - Edinburgh flyer

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    Ding dong… Tue, 24 May 2011 08:22:52 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Avon Calling

    Avon Calling!

    ‘Avon Calling’ being the name of a new show from The Other Way Works. I say ‘show’, but it is in fact “a new theatre event made for your living room”:

    Invite some friends around and wait for the Avon Lady to ring on your front door and create an Avon party with a twist right in your home.

    For £120 you get a bit of theatre for ten people in your living room, which isn’t half bad. I saw on Twitter yesterday that the show’s already 50% sold out, which is pretty good going, so get in there sooner rather than later if you fancy it.

    (Photo by Chris Keenan)

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    DCD Programme showcase Thu, 24 Feb 2011 18:44:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Tomorrow, I’ll be at The Public for the showcase event of the DCD Programme. In case you’d not heard of it:

    Arts Council England West Midlands’ Digital Content Development (DCD) Programme is a three year programme of investment which aims to catalyse the creation and creative use of digital content platforms for arts organisations across the West Midlands region

    The website went up recently and the map on the homepage shows some of the projects, along with how much money they received. Further information is due on the website at some point, but if you look at the page source then you can glean a little more. On the basis that you probably don’t want to ruin your eyes, here’s what I found:

    • Birmingham Repertory Theatre – Towards the development of an online multi-user playwriting resource (£27,884)
    • Pesky People – Development of a multiplatform approach to venue access information (£25,000)
    • Leamington Spa Art Gallery & Museum – PostCart: creative digital access of art gallery and museum collections (£24,750)
    • Library of Birmingham – Development of an Alternate Reality Game for young people (£23,750)
    • Talking Birds Theatre Company – Development of The Difference Engine – a multiplatform real time access tool. Some mention of it here (£1,500 + £20,860)
    • The Play House – Develop an online resource to match the company’s participatory ethos (£22,349)
    • Eastside Projects and Birmingham City University – Piloting a 3D online art gallery (£22,000)
    • The MAC – Playground: exploring the use of digital technologies in a new-built art centre (£20,500)
    • Royal Shakespeare Company – Creation of a new digital arena for the creativity of the RSC. Pretty sure this was Such Tweet Sorrow (£20,000)
    • Audiences Central – To develop a web platform and plug-in for cross regional arts marketing (£18,000)
    • B Arts – Development of a new form of arts centre/collaboration (£17,380)
    • Rhubarb Rhubarb – To create an online evaluation tool (£17,000)
    • Shropshire County Council – Citizen Journalism (£15,612)
    • Rideout – To explore the production of creative digital content engaging youth crime statistics (£15,000)
    • Radio To Go – A collaboration with the British Library to pilot an online music archive. Called The Pilot Project (£13,750)
    • Rosie Kay Dance Company – To create an online version of the touring production, 5 Soldiers (£12,500)
    • Indigo Ltd – The development of a pilot online platform exploring new forms of crowd-source fundraising in the arts (launching soon and called Angel Shares) (£11,750)
    • Wolverhampton Arts & Museums / Black Country Museums – Research and Development of a collaborative online resource for the Black Country Museums (£10,550)
    • Black Country Touring – Exploration of enhancing a site specific, theatrical experience through live streaming (£10,348)
    • Multistory – To create a new media platform for celebrating local stories as part of place-making (£10,235)
    • Fierce Festival – Towards a Viral Online research game (£8,253)
    • Birmingham Opera – Exploring new models of ownership and sales of published works (£6,737)
    • Borderlines Film Festival Ltd – Experimenting with mScapes technologies (£5,600)
    • Orchestra of the Swan – Research and development towards a strategic plan (£5,000)
    • Capsule – To support digitally enhanced new marketing and distribution opportunities (£4,880)
    • Welsh National Opera – research and development of phase one of iMaestro. To allow Welsh National Opera to research digital copyright law and the possibility of exploiting full-length opera samples under the Creative Commons license (info about that here) (£4,600)
    • Ikon Gallery – Towards the development of a social media project (£3,500)
    • The Other Way Works – Professional development around Augmented Reality and Transmedia (£2,575)
    • Ex Cathedra – Market development, engaging an online music aggregator (£1,323)
    • Dance Consortium – Exploring social media in relation to contemporary dance marketing (£1,000)
    • MADE – To explore the use of digital platforms in placing making (£1,000)

    As well as these projects, the programme supported a range of other activities including workshops, innovation labs and other events.

    I’ve heard of one or two of these projects, but the vast majority are new to me so it’ll be interesting to hear a little more. I should probably also add that I’m involved in the Rosie Kay Dance Company project – that’ll launch next week so I’ll blab a bit more about it then.

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    Links for 1 September 2010 Wed, 01 Sep 2010 19:23:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Live Art Speed Dates « Stan’s Cafe Theatre Company
    “coming to the West Midlands on 25th September as part of Fierce Festival’s fun and games”
  • Artists wanted for smoke-free project
    Suggest an idea. A group of young people may choose to apply for a grant (up to £2000) and commission you to deliver it. Interesting model
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands: September 2010 « Oh. (I know Russ L, and Russ L is no Russ L)
    Lots of things
  • Dig out your camera and get snapping for free tickets to The Secret Garden!
    The REP are after pics of your secret gardens
  • Screen WM: News
    Not sure what this is about, but I’m putting it out there – “Submissions for BRAIN WASH BRUM are now open, as we have not confirmed a date there is currently no deadline although it is probably wise to get them to us by the middle of October”
  • September Brum Notes Out Now « Brum Notes Magazine
    The new edition’s out. The website seems to have been rejigged since I last looked too
  • 09/10 Annual Report now online | The Other Way Works
    Annual update from the Birmingham-based theatre company
  • Screen WM: News – Full Circle
    “Tucked away in attics, sheds, cupboards and garages are forgotten gems capturing local life and history on film. These are a vital part of the Midlands’ screen heritage. With the help of 60 midlands groups, MACE is looking for these old films and videos to preserve and share them with future generations”
  • URGENT: Crew needed for Midlands Feature October/November 2010
    Hit the link for the info
  • Facebook | Thatched
    This club night has one of the most horrific posters I’ve ever seen. Congrats, I suppose
  • Corporate Development Manager
    The Hippodrome are after a corporate fundraiser with a passion for the arts
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    First Bite Festival Thu, 05 Nov 2009 12:02:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This post will mostly be taken up by the flyer, so here’s the essentials:

    • First Bite Festival. 12 November. AE Harris. Tickets on the door. £5 (£4 concessions).
    • Taking part – The Other Way Works. Friction Theatre. Others (Update – see comment for full line-up. Thanks Katie!).
    • Two of the pieces will be selected for commission by mac and Warwick Arts Centre.


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    It Came From Pilot Wed, 07 Oct 2009 22:29:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]> avon-calling

    Tomorrow night (Thursday) I’m taking a wander over to Warwick Arts Centre, as are a couple of Birmingham-based outfits, for It Came From Pilot:

    Father and son duo, Kings of England perform Where We Live and What We Live For. In 2001 75 year old Peter Bowes had a trans-ischemic attack, a stroke. In this gentle, moving work he and his son remember and imagine the man he once was.

    The Other Way Works premier Avon Calling which explores the eternal triangle of mother – daughter – and Avon Cosmetics. Drawing vividly on personal source material Louise Platt reveals an intimate and comic portrait of a woman, a mother and an Avon Lady. Ex-Avon lady.

    This is part of Fierce‘s programme of stuff at WAC running from Sept-Dec (although no news of what else is upcoming just yet).

    A few extras for context:

    • PILOT Nights are testing grounds for short, work-in-progress pieces from ‘some of the UK’s most exciting theatre companies’. Audience feedback is encouraged
    • The Other Way Works are using Avon and Me to collect people’s personal stories about Avon cosmetics. If you want to see what the show has come ‘from’ there’s a video from the March 09 PILOT Nights here
    • Kings of England are based in the North West but I’m assured they’re lovely. Their blog makes for a great read too
    Black Tonic Tue, 31 Mar 2009 20:06:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Black Tonic is a new, unusual theatre experience from The Other Way Works, a Birmingham based theatre company formed in 2001. The production is an interactive performance staged in the bedrooms and corridors of the Radisson Hotel Birmingham.

    You are invited to unravel an original detective story, where even love can be bought for the price of a cocktail. Check-in at the Hotel reception two by two and journey along the corridors and into the bedrooms to piece together the clues and uncover what makes the hotel tick.

    Thursday 2nd – Sunday 5th April 2009
    Thursday 9th – Sunday 12th April 2009 (Easter Weekend)
    2pm*, 3pm*, 7pm, 8pm & 9pm. *Saturdays only.

    Very limited audience (4 places per hour). Booking in pairs recommended.

    £15 / £10 Suitable for 18+ Trailer

    ]]> Links for June 16th Mon, 16 Jun 2008 21:00:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

  • Big Picture Workshop at Birmingham’s Rag Market
    ‘Artists Faye Claridge and Helen Berrow will have a stall near the Market Customer Centre in the indoor market, on Tues 17 June to give you lots of photo tips and take pictures with you – or of you!’ It’s a free event, drop in between 12.30 and 15.30.
  • Artfall – Changing Birmingham
    Phil Wilkinson has ‘been working on a now demolished view of a site in Digbeth bordered by High St, Bradford St and Rea St’. There’s a work-in-progress on his blog.
  • Black Tonic by The Other Way Works, Guardian review
    Review of “a site-responsive performance produced by the Birmingham-based The Other Way Works” as part of the Sprint festival in London and coming to Brum in the autumn.
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