The new optimists Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 The new optimists 32 32 Kindles and comics Sat, 28 May 2011 11:27:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> A couple of things if you’re in the business of making things other people might like to read.

Kindle Camp – A Kindle Publishing Workshop

Digital BirminghamThe New Optimists and Birmingham City Council Web Services Team have joined together to put on a workshop to go through the process of publishing your text to the Kindle.

This looks useful and pretty thorough. It’s free and it’s on 1 June. Only four tickets left.

Comics Launch Pad

Comics Launch Pad is a new and exciting event brought to you by International Comic Shows, the organisation behind the long-running British International Comics Show.

A one-day conference aimed at professionals, aspiring professionals and those with a serious interest in the business of making comics, Launch Pad promises to be an enlightening and fascinating experience.

D’log spotted this one. It’s on 18 June and here’s their website.

The New Optimists Wed, 25 Aug 2010 10:00:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> The New Optimists

This is interesting. The New Optimists is a website and book, which records the answers given by over 80 scientists who were asked the question ‘What are you optimistic about?’

The idea for “The New Optimists” began in early 2009 with me (Kate Cooper) sitting in front of my laptop on the kitchen table, realising that web-based technologies had dramatically changed the publishing game. And that this gave me the opportunity to showcase some of the ground-breaking research going on locally at the 2010 British Science Festival in my home city of Birmingham.

If you’d like to hear more about the project, there’s a series of events happening around Birmingham to tie in with the book’s launch, which takes places on Tuesday 14 September at the Botanical Gardens.

This is followed by a Q&A session on 15 September at the Science Festival, Aston University, and a lunchtime session at Waterstones on 16 September with Kate Cooper and editor Keith Richards.

You can buy tickets to the launch here.

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