the great train dance Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the great train dance 32 32 The Great Train Dance Sat, 03 Dec 2011 09:51:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Back in July, Rosie Kay Dance Company performed The Great Train Dance on the Severn Valley Railway between Kidderminster and Highley:

The Great Train Dance performers; dancers and students from throughout the region, transformed the Severn Valley Railway into a magical experience with a puzzle to solve. In a Hitchcock thriller designed for families, this fascinating performance drew all ages on the train into the world of the absurd and seduce everyone into hunting for clues.

I missed this – I got stuck in traffic on the way there and just missed the train – so it’s good to see a film’s been produced (by Louis Price). It can’t have been easy to shoot though, there’s all sorts going on and was only performed once. It looks like it was a lot of fun.

Via Dancing for the Games.

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Rosie Kay’s Great Train Dance Tue, 19 Jul 2011 07:31:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Rosie Kay Dance Company - The Great Train Dance

The latest from Rosie Kay Dance Company is The Great Train Dance.

On 23 July 2011, The Great Train Dance will transform the Severn Valley Railway into a magical family experience with a puzzle to solve. With dancing at each station and in the train itself by a host of bizarre characters, this totally unique work will reveal all in a finale at the Engine House in Highley.

I’m going to see this on Saturday and if, you’re quick about it, you can win a pair of tickets to it yourself over on the Dancing for the Games website – the deadline for entries is midday today. Or you can book tickets here.

There’s also quite a well-stocked blog about the development of this project.

Rosie Kay - Great Train Dance
