the cage Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the cage 32 32 Lucid Dreaming with a.a.s. Sun, 05 Dec 2010 10:02:34 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Artists in residence at The New Art Gallery Walsall, a.s.s., are inviting you to join them for 1 hour sleeping sessions as they experiment with lucid dreaming in The Cage.

Sessions are taking place at 12 noon and 2pm today, next Sunday 12 December and 14 December, and teams of sleepers will attempt to meet up in The Other Place. They also have a few bits of information on lucid dreaming on The Other Place blog.

During the lucid dream training we will be building on this by attempting to dream collectively, trying out different methods and making notes and drawings based on this. We will be explaining and preparing for lucid dreaming beforehand, and discussing experiences afterwards.

If you’d like to participate, make sure you wear comfortable clothes and arrive half an hour before the session’s due to start. Find out more about a.a.s. events and experiments on the website.

]]> 1 a.a.s: The Cage Thu, 21 Oct 2010 11:55:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

The New Art Gallery Walsall has recently opened The Cage, where resident artists a.a.s invite you to join them as they carry out a series of experiments exploring openings to The Other Place, a collective space of thought or dreams, the space of the future or potential, and the collaborative processes or assemblages that produce those ideas.

Do you dream? Have you ever imagined something impossible? Do you have hopes for the future? Then you’re already on the way to The Other Place.

…Some say that when we are awake we are dealing mostly with illusion. This would mean that The Other Place is the PRIMARY Reality.

If this intrigues you, every Saturday a.a.s will be in the artists’ studio or out in Walsall where they’ll be performing experiments to explore The Other Place. They will also be hosting the following events until the end of the project, which runs until 16 January;

How to shuffle perspective game book correction rule do it meeting
27 November 2010

As a response to the Arnolfini artistÕs book works collection, a.a.s will be using William BurroughsÕ cut-up technique to generate new instructions from existing performance scores.

Interstitial Stone Portal Ritual
31 December 2010 – 1 January 2011

At the change between years in the Gregorian Calendar, The Nagual will create a portal in a stone circle, to bring about the time of intersect, a sliding between realities.

4 – 16 January 2011

Over the last two weeks of the residency, you will have the chance to take part in an ongoing performance fiction, and play games with the levels of reality developed over the project.
