the big picture Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 the big picture 32 32 Arts Council’s new public engagement campaign Wed, 25 Nov 2009 15:23:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Last week I went along to Wolverhampton Art Gallery to hear about the Arts Council’s new national campaign for the arts – due to start in April 2010. Here’s the opening presentation that was delivered by Julie Eaglen, Arts Council WM’s Audience Development Officer.

The standout point from the presentation for me is this bit:

… despite the significant efforts of arts organisations and the Arts Council to broaden audiences – and there has been, and is, some really excellent work going on – our statistics show that there has been no significant shift in the profile of people who engage with the arts over the past three years.

This means that we can’t simply continue doing more of the same; it’s not working. We need a new approach

You can read the presentation to see how this is to be achieved (and from the tone of language used, it has to be achieved), but in a nutshell there’ll be:

  • a programme of arts engagement activity
  • a large-scale broadcast, media and marketing campaign
  • targeting of an identified group of 12.8 million people who currently have some interest in the arts but have expressed an inclination/desire to do or see more
  • a new national arts web portal

Locally, the programme is being coordinated by Audiences Central. Each region has been asked to pick a hot-spot to focus their activity on and in the West Mids it’ll be the Black Country. It’s hoped that the rest of the region will benefit from a ‘halo effect’ from this activity and from the national media campaign.

On this last point, the idea is to develop a brand and kitemark that venues, promoters, organisations, etc will want to apply to their work in the same way that many food producers have voluntarily taken up the 5-a-day brand.

Success will be measured via the national Taking Part survey and the Active Peoples survey (for local authorities that use an indicator called NI11 – hopefully that’ll mean something to someone).

I’m not sure what the budget for the national campaign is but, after much talk of ‘limited resources’, it transpired that the amount of cash available for the West Mids (and therefore the Black Country) is £200,000 over two years. Consequently there was much talk about partnership working and the reliance on organisations finding a benefit in piggybacking on the national campaign.

In the meantime, the Arts Council have set up a website at Hello Art where you can find out a little more and sign up for future updates. It’d be also be worth following Audiences Central for updates about the West Mids focus.

Finally (and because someone asked me to keep count):

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Links for November 2nd Sun, 02 Nov 2008 16:48:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Plus+ International Design Expo – schedule
    Listings of all the events are up online. Read what’s going on, become intruiged, buy a ticket. Or don’t – maybe design’s not your thing
  • The Big Picture film
    “the story of a record breaking project…”
  • Lots Of Things To See And Do In The West Midlands: November 2008
    It’s a good month for music by Russ L’s reckoning. Other notables include the Flip Animation Festival and the Supreme Cat Show
  • Gavin Strange at the Apple Store
    Gavin Strange, founder of JamFactory and designer of graphics for skateboard decks and toys, will be showcasing his work at the Apple Store. November 4, 5pm
  • Gigbeth Conference – Delegate tickets
    They’re available now and will set you back £100 plus VAT. Sessions include Fyfe Dangerfield interviewed by Janice Long and talks from Marc Jaffrey (Music Manifesto), Maggie Crowe (BPI and Governor of the BRIT School), Rich Castillo (A&R for Shalit Global) and Alexis Grower (International music lawyer)
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    The Big Picture breaks a world record Sat, 23 Aug 2008 23:09:51 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    The team from The Big Picture have set a world record for their huge photo mosaic, unveiled outside Millennium Point.

    There’s loads of information about this on the Big Picture website.  You can see a whizzy online representation of the mosaic and there’s a Big Picture collective memory where reactions to the mosaic are being gathered – the video of Lucy Moore’s reaction to the unveiling is definitely worth seeing.

    In fact here it is – the image created by the mosaic is of her grandfather and, although she knew it had been shortlisted for use, the final image was a closely kept secret until the covers came off:

    Big congrats to all involved.

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    Links for August 19th Wed, 20 Aug 2008 08:55:09 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • KateGoes and Writes a BBC Theme Tune
    “KateGoes are doing a theme tune for a new BBC sitcom called Coming of Age” as spotted by Dunc from the Autumn Store
  • Crisp dust and car boot sales- is it art?
    BBC preview of the forthcoming Margaret Street MA show
  • Light House September/October Events
    Spaghetti Gazetti have the list of what’s on over at the Light House in Wolverhampton
  • Juneau Projects Live Album Launch
    Fused also report that “Juneau Projects will be launching their live album ‘I Went to the Woods’ at New Art Gallery Walsall on Thursday 28 August 2008, 6pm-8pm and admission is free”
  • Help break a World Record this week
    If you have any free time this week everyone working on the Big Picture would love to see you at Thinktank to help build this huge artwork. You can turn up at any time between 10am – 4pm each day until Thursday this week (if you’d like more details see the Big Picture site)
  • Sarah Ray exhibition
    Fused report that “The very talented Sarah Ray will be exhibiting her work at The Marcus Galleries from the end of this month”
  • ]]>
    Links for July 19th Sat, 19 Jul 2008 14:19:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Brumcast 106 ‘Asshole, Jackoff, Scumbag’
    Little Chris is back once again, like some sort of renegade master
  • Inter-Act
    Shiny and new – “Inter-Act is a newly established devising company made up of young creative artists. Inter-Act are dedicated to creating new and exciting pieces of work whilst also providing educational programs for young people”
  • The Big Picture – Help make the World Record mosaic at Thinktank
    From Monday 4 August until Thursday 21 August production of the individual panels that make up the mosaic will be taking place in Thinkspace, in Thinktank, Millennium Point. Volunteers are needed
  • 7 Inch Cinema: Birthday Film
    From Scott from Film Ficciones – “I made this for UK film outfit 7 INCH CINEMA to be shown at their 5th birthday night, inspired by Kubrick. It’s all a bit of an inside-joke, so apologies to anyone stumbling across this completely unawares”
  • Sutton Festival of Arts 08
    Photos from the weekend by Stuart Parker
  • How to put people off contemporary art – The Eclectrician
    On the new Ikon Eastside exhibition – “The exhibit looks great, but oh, how my heart sank as I read the accompanying blurb”.
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    BMAG Collection open day Wed, 21 May 2008 23:07:58 +0000 [Read more...]]]> You wouldn’t know it from their own website (or at least I can’t find mention) but on bank holiday Monday, Birmingham Museum & Art Gallery are offering

    a rare opportunity to access the fascinating collections in store. This is no ordinary warehouse! It’s an Aladdin’s cave crammed to the rafters with every type of object you could imagine.

    If you go, the good folk at The Big Picture (who flagged this up) would be keen for you to send them any pictures you take there.

    The collection is at The Museum Collections Centre, 25 Dollman Street, Nechells, Birmingham B7 4RQ.
