team ttv Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 team ttv 32 32 Film Dash – the results are in Thu, 30 Oct 2008 02:27:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I obviously had too much time on my hands back in August because I volunteered to run a 48-hour film competition.  From humble origins Film Dash (as I called it) it gathered pace, got bundled into Hello Digital and culminated in 11 films being produced over a single weekend with one being shown at the Odeon on Sunday night.

I was more than chuffed with how it all went.  Three times as many teams entered than I had cautiously hoped for and the quality of the films was astounding.

I’ve rounded up links to all the films on the Film Dash website and I really do recommend checking them out, they’re all under 5 minutes so it won’t take that long.

The judging panel (which didn’t include myself, thankfully) picked a winner and that is the excellent ‘Dunkirk’ by Team TTV:

Dunkirk from Pete Ashton on Vimeo.

There’s a very good chance I’ll be organising something again next year.  Details to be confirmed/dreamt up later, but it was too fun not to do again.  If you want to get on the Film Dash mailing list just email ‘SUBSCRIBE’ to
