supersonic Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 supersonic 32 32 Supersonic Festival – 10 Years of Adventurous Music Fri, 12 Oct 2012 08:30:40 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

While the rest of the festival season winds down, on the 19th-21st October Supersonic Festival shows up again for its 10th year running to give the music scene a good hiding . If you haven’t been before then your eardrums are in for a treat (and a bit of a pounding) as the weekend session, run by Birmingham’s Capsule, takes over Digbeth’s Custard Factory in a multi-discipliniary cornucopia of experimental performances, workshops and films. Check out the line up here for a glimpse of what’s going on.

Tickets are still available from a multitude of locations around the city and if you happen to have an records left about then you can hand them in at this weekend’s Zinefest for the Vinyl Rally – Record Amnesty < which looks awesome fun.

And to give you a little taste, here’s a video from last years Supersonic:

Groups looking for volunteers. Tue, 14 Aug 2012 09:56:06 +0000 [Read more...]]]> We’ve spotted a few groups looking for helpful volunteers. Here are a few you might want to take a look at:

The Flyover Show is taking place this Saturday, 18th of August, and are looking for a few extra pairs of hands to help out. Each year the space under the Hockley flyover is transformed into an arena for this day of hip hop, reggae and jazz. For more information please email Clare Edwards

Light House Media Centre in Wolverhampton are searching for Ambassadors. In return for a range of benefits Ambassadors promote the venue to their friends, colleagues and online networks.

Every year Oxjam Brum takeover a bunch of city centre venues to put on a one-day festival of live music with local bands and artists, with all proceeds going to Oxfam. They are always on the lookout for all kinds of creatives, including photographers, designers, artists… and even cake decorators, who would like to help them put on a bigger and better show. If this sounds like you please contact them here.

One of the highlights of the local festival season due to it’s chilled out vibe and wonderful location, Moseley Folk Festival returns on the 31st August and 1st and 2nd September. They are currently recruiting a team of friendly, motivated stewards to help the weekend run smoothly. In return for two 4 hour shifts volunteers can enjoy the rest of the 3 day festival. Find out more here.

Artsfest is the annual weekend of all things artistic in Birmingham, when the city attempts to show off the breadth and depth of it’s creative and cultural sector. It advertises itself as the UK’s biggest free arts festival, and relies on a team of volunteers. Taking place during the second weekend in September, which this year is the 7th to the 9th, applications for volunteers have closed but if you’d like to add yourself to the reserve list details can be found here.

TEDxBrum brings the renowned series of talks and ideas by inspirational speakers to Birmingham. After a successful inaugural event this year they are currently recruiting a team for 2013. Among roles in production, marketing and communication perhaps of interest is ‘Non-Speaker Content Curation’ which will help expand the performances and exhibitions which will take place on the day.

Finally, another music festival, Supersonic, is looking for volunteers. Taking place in Digbeth in October, Supersonic is curated by Birmingham-based promoters Capsule. For more information contact

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Links for 14 May 2012 Mon, 14 May 2012 11:41:47 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Is Digbeth the new clubbing capital of Britain? | Digbeth is Good
    Interesting. Also, seeing as how I’ve mentioned LAB11, Gibb Street Warehouse and Air on here recently, there might even be a small chance I’ve got my finger somewhere near the pulse after all
  • A destination wedding in Sierra Leone with Lee Allen photography | Rock My Wedding
    Rock My Wedding features Lee Allen’s trip to Sierra Leone to photograph a wedding with 1,100 guests
  • Supersonic ) Info ) Jobs
    This could be good – Capsule are looking for a new design illustration person/team to give the Supersonic Festival a new look
  • Pictures in the News | May 1, 2012 – Los Angeles Times
    A peek at The Voyage, coming to Birmingham soon…
  • ]]>
    Supersonic visitors Mon, 24 Oct 2011 19:32:38 +0000 [Read more...]]]> After Supersonic there’s often someone from out of town who goes home and blogs about their experiences, not just of the festival, but of their journeys around the rest of the city. I think my favourite was the Portuguese a few years back. This year it seems to be Alice on her blog, Quaint Living:

    During the day we continued our exploration of Birmingham where we had left off last time. This time we visited the Museum of the Jewellery Quarter, the Back to BacksIkon gallery, the CathedralSt Paul’s Gallery, as well as general visiting of record shops and so on.

    As a bonus, there are some lovely photos too.

    Links for 21 October 2011 Fri, 21 Oct 2011 06:55:33 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Nirvana – Lithium – Birmingham 1991 – YouTube
    Footage from The Hummingbird (now Birmingham Ballroom). There are a few more here too
  • Interactive/film and video artists wanted – The Public
    The Public are currently inviting interactive artists and artists working in film and video to submit work to two unique open exhibitions, taking place early 2012.
  • Supersonic Festival picks | I Am Pete Ashton
    Supersonic kicks off today. It all looks good, but if you want recommendations then Pete (and some commenters) have got em. And here’s the non-musical stuff that’s happening
  • Play More
    “This is the temporary page for the newly created Birmingham based arts collective Play More; a group of artists who aim to promote play one ridiculous event at a time.”
  • Activating Contemporary Circus in the West Midlands « mid * point
    Birmingham Hippodrome invite you to join leading practitioners to explore
    creatively how we can develop a future for contemporary circus in the region
  • All together now – AMA Commons
    I thing I wrote for the Arts Marketing Association about online collaboration and mentioning a few Birmingham-based case studies
  • ]]>
    Links for 16 September 2011 Fri, 16 Sep 2011 10:19:14 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Mark Essen, Gene-George Earl, Sarah Farmer and Cathy Wade – CRASH
    “An experimental season of sonics, moving image, installation and construction stimulated by the vision of J.G. Ballard”
  • Growing Our Own Producers « mid * point
    I can’t remember whether I’ve already linked to this or not. Either way: “During the First Bite Festival on Saturday 24th September, there will be a series of events that explore these questions, and offer opportunities for you to expand your network of Artist and Producer contacts and potentially shape a new West Midlands Producers Network”
  • Wolverhampton Art Map
    There’s no info on the site about who or what this is but a bit of Google action reveals this: “Project Dandelion is the BSF Public Art programme for the City of Wolverhampton”. So there you am. Watch that space, I guess. I know you won’t.
  • Indie Champion Award – The Association of Independent Music
    Lisa & Jenny of Capsule/Supersonic/Home of Metal fame have been nominated for an award. Please go give them a quick vote
  • Localise West Midlands – Award winning Eastside cafe under threat
    Not happy to hear this.
  • ]]>
    Supersonic illustrators wanted Thu, 11 Aug 2011 11:31:46 +0000 [Read more...]]]> From the Supersonic website:

    Capsule are currently putting together a zine about all things Supersonic and we’re looking for illustrators to contribute. If you’re interested, please contact by 16th August and we can send you more details.

    Capsule’s previous zines are on Issuu, in case you wanted to have a look.

    Links for 5 August 2011 Fri, 05 Aug 2011 08:33:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Fundraising Session from the RSC « mid * point
    “the Royal Shakespeare Company would like to share its resources and expertise, and have put togethera fundraising session that will be held in Birmingham on Monday 19 September from 1.30pm -4.30pm”
  • Birmingham: Why Bother? • Future Cities of the Future
    As always the rhetorical answer to the rhetorical question is “well, who asked you to bother?”. Still, it’s always a shame when someone gives up
  • Supersonic ) Supersonic podcast no.1
    “It’s that time of year again when things start hotting up on the Supersonic front. The wonderful Little Chris of Brumcast fame has lovingly put together a series of podcasts together for your listening pleasure. Here is the first Supersonic special – ENJOY!” Very pleased to hear Little Chris’s voice again
  • Birmingham Toolkit
    “The Birmingham Toolkit is designed to help you talk about Birmingham with pride and confidence”
  • Enterprise zone ‘to make Birmingham creative hub’
    “The zone – which includes Eastside, Paradise Circus and New Street Station – will attract start-up firms by offering discounts on business rates of up to £275,000 over five years, simplifying planning laws and offering superfast broadband”. Plus other good stuff. Also, George Osborne says there are some iconic buildings here “if you look around”.
  • foursquare :: Created in Birmingham
    We have a page on Foursquare now. It’s probably not going to be used much but you never know.
  • ]]> 1
    Early look at the Supersonic 2011 line-up Mon, 16 May 2011 12:33:44 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Supersonic 2011

    Special guests Zu93, Electric Wizard and Secret Chiefs 3 will be joined by a whole bunch of others (with more to announce) plus art, film, panel discussions and, predictably enough, cake. Full list here.

    I’m pleased to say I don’t think I’ve heard of anyone on the bill. Last year I recognised a couple of names and that was a bit disconcerting.

    It’s not until 21-23 October but I can’t think of anything else happening in Birmingham that weekend so you might as well grab a ticket now. Ticket info, hotel deals and sundry other items are here.

    “That’s not a bad idea” Wed, 02 Feb 2011 20:08:54 +0000 [Read more...]]]> From an interview with Earth (who’ve played Supersonic) on Pitchfork. Talking about Black Sabbath:

    Pitchfork: Have you ever had any kind of personal interaction with any of the Sabbath people?

    Dylan Carlson, Earth: No. Sabbath is from Birmingham, England and Tony Iommi supposedly came to a festival we played there once, but I didn’t actually see him. The two women who put on that festival are always trying to get the Birmingham City Council to recognize that it’s the city of heavy metal and put up a plaque or a statue to acknowledge it.

    Pitchfork: That’s not a bad idea.
