substrakt Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 substrakt 32 32 BAApp: Walking Architecture Fri, 25 Nov 2011 11:37:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]> BAApp screenshot

BAApp: Walking Architecture is a searchable archive of buildings and tours from across Birmingham including historic, contemporary or conceptual architecture.

It’s an iPhone app built by Substrakt for the Birmingham Architectural Association in collaboration with RIBA West Midlands and the Birmingham & Five Counties Architectural Association. It should arrive in the iTunes store any day now.

If you like that kind of thing, check out OpenBuildings and their mobile apps too.

Jobplot’s back Tue, 16 Nov 2010 19:24:31 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Jobplot

Last year I announced Jobplot as a new creative jobs board for the West Midlands. The site’s now been rethought and redesigned. It now has:

  • Talent profiles – if you’re a freelancer or run a company working in the creative sector (arts/culture/architecture/film/design/new media) then get yourself a free profile so people can find you  and maybe even give you some work
  • Jobs board – self-explanatory
  • Opportunities board – where you can find/post info on training programmes, funding, tenders, volunteering and the like

We launched quietly last week but already have (in no particular order) Women in Theatre, Meshed Media, Fullrange, Bright Space, Talis, Tomorrow People, Stickee, Dice Productions, Substrakt, Ryan DC, The Space Studio, Radio To Go, Ryan Killeen, Pikx Imaging, Created in Birmingham, Talk About Local, Adhere, Supercool, IE, Punch, Timelapse Movie Company, Creative Alliance and Marieanne Delaney.

Some of those are currently hiring.

What’s the idea?

When we set up Jobplot originally it was because we wanted to connect good people with good jobs. We’ve since set our sights a little higher.

For example, I can’t find a decent list of local illustrators anywhere. Or scriptwriters. Or sculptors, photographers or web designers. If I want to find someone then I have to either ask around or head for Google. Neither’s ideal and I’ve heard plenty of stories about companies working with others outside the region simply because they couldn’t find anyone closer to home.

Then there are the opportunities for funding and training, the tenders for work and all the other things that get circulated around certain email lists and message boards but go no further. Often the agencies and organisations would love for more people to hear about what they’re offering – people are just too hard to reach.

The idea is for Jobplot to try and solve a few of those problems.

It won’t be yet another directory though. We’ll make sure of that. To some extent we’re taking a leaf out of the books of Wired Sussex, Bristol Media and Manchester Digital, but we’re not copying them exactly.

Other things

Jobplot’s still being developed. We’ve got a to-do list as long as yer arm and a slate of things planned for Phase 2 (being launched in the new year). We’re keen to hear about any improvements that need to be made, so if you come across anything then please let us know.

In the long run, the idea is for Jobplot to sustain itself – ie, make a bit of money. In the new year we’ll have premium (paid) profiles which will come with a range of benefits. More on those nearer the time (but basic profiles will always be free).

Jobplot was originally set up by Meshed Media and Substrakt. Creative Alliance are now on board too, which makes it a nice example of an arts organisation working with private companies on a commercial project (not a bad idea given current circumstances).

I’ve put a bit more info about Jobplot on the Meshed Media blog in case you’re interested.

In conclusion

Get yourself on there.

Know Your Place, round 2 Mon, 21 Jun 2010 12:23:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Tomorrow afternoon at Zellig (the new Custard Factory bit – that name’s still not sitting right with me) there’s an event for creative freelancers called Know Your Place. Those who are well tuned in to this sort of thing will know that a similar thing ran at Fazeley Studios a few months back (I even spoke at it). It seemed to go well and is now back by dope demand. It’s free but I’m not sure whether there are places left, so be quick.

Speakers include Andy Hartwell (Substrakt), Helga Henry (Fierce Earth), Eryka Isaak, Julia Higginbottom (Aquila TV) and Alexa Torlo (BCU).

There’s a little more besides so head for the website and the Facebook event for details.

Such Tweet Sorrow Wed, 14 Apr 2010 08:35:24 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Such Tweet Sorrow launched the other day; a retelling of Romeo & Juliet via Twitter. Telling stories via Twitter isn’t a new thing particularly, but the size and scope of this effort is what sets it apart. The RSC are behind this after all, and from what I gather rehearsals and workshops for this have been going on for aaaages.

Oh aye, and the Birmingham link is the involvement of Mudlark as producers, Substrakt as the website designers and Kate Beatty as the photographer responsible for the shots of the cast.

Exeunt omnes. Divers alarums.

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Links for February 11th Wed, 11 Feb 2009 23:23:58 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Creatives are invited to comment on the Big City Plan
    Following the cancellation of the Big City Plan workshop, Creative Republic have rescheduled the event for 6pm on Wednesday 11th February. The format remains the same with the event featuring a presentation on the Big City Plan with a discussion afterwards that will be written up as a formal submission to the consultation process.
  • Kate Beatty – new website
    Kate is a photographer based at Fazeley Studios, Digbeth who’s impressive portfolio and client list can been seen on her brand spanking new website, designed by Substrakt. The site is clean and functional and is home to the beginnings of a passionately written personal blog.
  • Last exhibition at Jibbering Records
    The last exhibition at Jibbering Records, Moseley will be The Shapes of  Things to Come…..and Have Been,
  • an exhibition of original artwork exploring the philosophy of interconnectedness by James Dawson. Jibbering Records will close its doors for the last time on Saturday 21st February and will be sadly missed by many people, it has been a hub of creative activity for many years.
  • Arts Assembly
    Arts Assembly is a non-profit making organisation based in Warwickshire. They are hosting their next group exhibition at the Vaad Gallery, The Custard Factory, March 6th, 7th and 8th. The preview night is on Friday 6th with the usual free drinks to quaff.
  • Audiences Central job vacancy
    Audiences Central is the audience development agency for the West Midlands and they are currently looking for a Data Inputting Administrator.
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    My Birmingham RSS feeds Mon, 12 Jan 2009 19:46:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]> rssRSS.


    Horrible, nasty words that scare normal folk and have them running from the internet to take refuge with their library cards.

    They’re not that tricky though. I’ve been keeping track of hundreds of websites to find stuff to post here. Visiting them all daily would have taken too long and cost me my sanity, so instead I used RSS. Most competent websites have an ‘RSS feed’ sending out the latest updates. All you need to do is use an RSS reader (I use Google Reader, there are others) and you’ve got a time-saving one-stop-shop for all your favourite websites.

    Anyway, point being, as I’ve sent Kate a file listing pretty much all my Birmingham RSS feeds I thought I’d put a copy here and share it.

    The file is here. Import it into Google Reader by going to ‘Settings’ then ‘Import/Export’ and follow the instructions.

    Disclaimer – for various reasons, not every Birmingham blog is in there and some that are are now defunct, etc and so on. Basically, this is not comprehensive.

    Also worth checking out – last month Substrakt compiled a list of their favourite Birmingham blogs.

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    Links for December 4th Thu, 04 Dec 2008 07:38:23 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • trying to arrange a british tumblr meetup
    Substrakt’s Tom Martin would like to organise a British tumblr meet-up. If you work for any sort of digital agency in the city/region then it’d be worth getting in touch and lending him a hand
  • Screen WM Acronym Glossary (SAG)
    Might be of use to someone (this is Google’s HTML version – a PDF is available). I found this while searching for info about the AWM SIS COG, in case you were wondering
  • Nu Wave Interactive
    Nu Wave Interactive is animator, illustrator and graphic designer Matthew Field
  • magicmedia
    magicmedia is the blog and website for Steve Chapman, a Birmingham UK-based creative media consultant
  • BASS Festival 2008 on Vimeo
    Footage from the BASS Festival 2008
  • Audio: Darcy Lange Round Table
    “On Tuesday 2 December Ikon hosted a round table discussion which considered Darcy Lange’s work both in isolation and in wider socio-geographical contexts; his fractious relationship with the art world and the influence upon his life and work of the Flamenco tradition of the Andalusian gypsies”. More good multimedia stuff from the Ikon Gallery. (Ikon peeps – any chance of whacking these into iTunes as an Ikon podcast?)
  • CMYKern » Fluid
    Quick profile of some of Fluid’s lovely work
  • Sarah Loves…
    Sarah Allen (who works with the likes of the Fierce Festival, British Glass Biennale, Events With Sparkle and others) has started a blog covering her design, architectural and cultural loves. And shoes. There will be shoes.
  • YouTube – PsychedelicPsynema’s Channel
    Speakeasy cinema people Outer Sight have a YouTube channel for collecting together event promos, trailers, previously screened shorts and other stuff. Their next event is on 6 Dec
  • transitions – artist action research
    Alicja Rogalska ran the art/public transport survey a mentioned a few weeks back. She’s emailed to say “I have set up a project blog to share information, data, images, etc. collected during my research”
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    Links for November 11th Tue, 11 Nov 2008 17:25:00 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • The Music Network want your music listings info
    Email your Tour Dates, Record release information, flyers, posters, and the rest to info(at) (take particular note of HOW they want your info – help them to help you)
  • Substrakt
    They’ve redesigned their website and it looks lovely
  • New Zealand / Birmingham Artist Residency
    Birmingham and U.K creative culture as experienced by Modulate’s resident artist Damian Frey from New Zealand
  • The headstone of John Baskerville
    Pretty fascinating stuff
  • What I was alive for
    Pete Green says “I used to be in a band called The Regulars. We made an album called Effortless. You can’t buy it any more because there were only 100 copies. But you can download it from this blog, one track at a time, and read the lyrics and notes and stuff”
  • Creative media networking event – Thurs 13th November
    It’s at Kings Heath Cricket club from 10am to 12.30pm. I think it’s being organised by Creative Launchpad but can’t find any info on their own website (or anywhere else) about it
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    My Day (Friday) Wed, 29 Oct 2008 10:30:04 +0000 Tom from Substrakt tried a simple little exercise the other day:

    Inspired by the My Day Yesterday group on Flickr, I decided to have a go at condensing my Friday into a single 90 seconds movie

    My Day (Friday) from deplorableword on Vimeo.

    Links for July 1st Tue, 01 Jul 2008 13:42:25 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Lucent Harmonic Colour at Flummoxed
    The flyer for ‘a Colortone experiment by Film Ficciones and Micronormous’ as part of the 7 Inch curated Flummoxed – part of the Flux Festival.
  • Charlie Levine on GOODS In
    “These are some pics of the show from the front and back of the space”.
  • New Substrakt team member
    Tom Martin has joined Substrakt, which is worth mentioning as an excuse to point you towards his rather excellent Tumblr at
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