subculture Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 subculture 32 32 CiB links for 15 April 2011 Fri, 15 Apr 2011 07:34:56 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Thriller In The City
    “a mass thriller Flash mob will be descending on a secret city centre location on 1pm on Saturday 16th April”
  • Vudu Club
    New club from the folks behind Subculture and Subside. Opening soon
  • Time For Change: On Birmingham’s Buses – The Official Blog for the Campaign to get change on Birmingham’s buses (and also other improvements)
    Joe’s a comedian (a very good one) but he’s very serious about this
  • Theatre Network Event – Events | The Public
    The title is ‘theatre networking event’ but the description reads more like an open day for people who might be interested in putting on theatre at The Public. Either way.
  • TRASHION loves… Urban Village vintage « Trashion Magazine
    Pics and excitable blurb
  • Media Circus 2 – Digital for 2011
    “In May we will be exhibiting some of the very latest technologies for delivering digital content, including Augmented Reality, large multi-touch touch screens and glasses-free 3D. We are inviting collaboration between digital agencies, freelance individuals, non digital creative industries and university graduates to create content and ideas around the theme of using digital WITH non digital”
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    CiB links for 6 April 2010 Tue, 06 Apr 2010 15:58:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Kino Concrète: Two Thousand Maniacs! « More Canals than Venice
    Basement Bar (top of New St in the city centre) have a free film night. Noted.
  • INTERVIEW: A Conversation with Dave Juste
    Scene Not Heard have a natter with Dave Juste from Subculture
  • Midlands Media Awards launched
    This is aimed mainly at journos. Deadline for entries is 16 April.
  • The Major Arcana « More Canals than Venice
    “The project included over 35 models, a team of make-up artists and prop/costume creation by BCU students”. Coming soon to the Works Gallery. Soon as in 12-16 April
  • thisisfeed: jon burgerman at FEED
    “Jon Burgerman will be giving a FEED seminar on May19th”
  • James Langdon shortlisted for Grafik Design Awards « We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    “James Langdon, designer of the We Are Eastside identity has been shortlisted for the Grafik Design Awards 2010”. Congrats, James!
  • This Is Tomorrow
    This Is Tomorrow do club nights, have consistently good posters (by Lewes Herriot) and have a new website with mixes and such thereupon
  • Ikon Eastside announces 2010 programme « We Are Eastside
    “Ikon Eastside has announced its programme of exhibitions for 2010, opening on Thursday 27th May with an installation from German sound artist Florian Hecker”
  • Rediscovering Birmingham’s movie meccas | Film |
    “The Flatpack film festival’s Odeon bus tour unspooled the story of the rise and fall of Oscar Deutsch’s 1930s art deco picture palaces”
  • Scene Not Heard Birmingham – Bands, Promoters and Local Music Portal: Scene Not Heard presents…THE SATURDAY MATINÉES
    This is an Interesting Idea. Having had a look at the problems with getting folks to go to gigs, these have decided to put bands on at Island Bar on Saturday afternoons
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