steve mccurry Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 steve mccurry 32 32 CiB’s 2010 Thu, 30 Dec 2010 19:26:15 +0000 [Read more...]]]> We’re taking a bit of a break here but CiB will return in the new year. In the meantime, I’ll be posting a few ‘year in review’ things to remind you that 2010 was alright really, and that all the talk of (and worrying over) money over recent months shouldn’t detract from some great art, work and artworks.

Meanwhile, just to show how 2010 looked on Created in Birmingham, we published 649 blog posts and attracted 578 comments, garnering 222,264 pageviews from 81,937 unique (like snowflakes) visitors. There was also 1 shop that took £45,000, with most of that money going to the artists themselves.

Over the past 12 months we’ve also had 40 CiB supporters and a handful of advertisers – a big thank you goes out to them for helping us to keep the site going.

These were the 10 most popular posts published this year:

  1. Apache Indian has his own bar
  2. Recommended BCC arts cuts (possibly)
  3. CiB Shop – The End Game
  4. Coming (very) soon – the CiB Shop
  5. CiB Shop – here’s how you can get involved
  6. CiB Shop – an invitation
  7. Birmingham arts and arts grant budgets for 2011/12
  8. Factory Club closing down
  9. The HMV Institute
  10. The Radar Magazine

I’m not really one for doing ‘best of’s but (off the top of my head) it was good to see the MAC reopening, I liked the Steve McCurry retrospective at BMAG and Len Lye at Ikon (which is still on), Birmingham European Theatre Festival was fun and I enjoyed a load of things at International Dance Festival Birmingham.

Odd but great moments included ‘sleeping’ on stage during Stan’s Cafe‘s Tuning Out with Radio Z (which I’ve written about here) and, of course, That Shop.

There was plenty more besides and far too many things I wish I’d seen but didn’t. I suppose I’ll just have to try to see more next year.
