stef lewandowski Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 stef lewandowski 32 32 Birmingham people at Culture Hack Day Mon, 17 Jan 2011 09:25:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This weekend I was at Culture Hack Day, where teams of developers came together to create things using data from cultural organisations (it had nothing to do with breaking into computers and nicking personal info – that’s different).

There were a fair few people from Birmingham who went along and they had access to a week’s worth of West Midlands listings data provided by Global Data Point, which Marketing Birmingham had a hand in arranging, so here’s a list of the kind of things they made.

Mark James and Andrew Lowther from Made Media made a few things:

  • LuvvieScore highlights cultural hotspots in UK (well, just Birmingham at the moment). CiB’s office rates as an ‘A-List Badger Fossil’, happily
  • TescoFresco maps the location of theatres and branches of Tescos (pic below with theatres in red, Tescos in blue)
  • Following a request, they did the same thing with Tescos and libraries


Matthew Somerville and Clare Lovell made Pepys’ Shows, featuring the extracts from Samuel Pepys’ diaries where he reviews trips to the theatre.

Stef Lewandowski (previously from around these parts, so he’s allowed it in this round-up) was busy too:

The full list of hacks, which included a service that uses Foursquare check-ins to work out when galleries and museums are at their busiest and Subvertle – a framework for playing with iPlayer subtitles, should be on the Culture Hack Day website later.

On the Saturday there were some talks too. If you’re interested in what all that was about then I’ve written up quite a few notes on the Meshed Media website.

(* yes, so it should have been Culture Hack Weekend)

Hello Digital Fri, 19 Sep 2008 13:34:04 +0000 The full site for Hello Digital (23-26 October 2008) is now up with all the event info and other gubbins you’d expect.

It’s been put together by talented localers Made Media, Maverick, Fluid & Stef Lewandowski.

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Thoughts on Birmingham’s Creative Director Thu, 11 Sep 2008 15:12:02 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

Creative Republic managed to snatch victory from defeat the other night – the star turn couldn’t make the ‘Creative Masterclass with Michael Wolff‘ so instead we were given a chance to ponder what the Birmingham’s presentation of our very important (as we’re constantly being told at the mo) creative scene.

Stef Lewandowski kicked things off with a pretty scathing presentation of Birmingham from a tourist-eye view.  He had walked the city, camera in hand, trying (and generally failing) to find signs of creativity. He’s keen to point out that his negativity was slightly exaggerated but it was interesting that the vast majority of his criticisms went unchallenged.

Stef’s presentation is online.  The slides are good quality but you’ll have to excuse the audio in places:

Sat in groups, we were then given the chance to chew over some of the points raised before reporting back to the rest of the class people there.

The chat has continued away from the event though.

  • As well as uploading the slides and audio, Stef has put up a blog post called ‘A creative director for Birmingham?‘ with many of the photos used, text to explain them and a few extra thoughts too.  The comments following his post are worth a read too.
  • Graphiquillan wasn’t at the event but the subject of Stef’s talk chimed with her, prompting musings on the subject of ‘finding the creative needles in Birmingham’s haystack‘.
  • Paul Groves’ post ‘Creating a stir in Birmingham‘ rounds up the thinking and suggests that despite “a lack of clarity and vision in recent times” we now seem to be getting “the sort of lively and informed discussion that is long overdue”.
  • Dave Harte has picked up Stef’s theme on his Birmingham Post blog with ‘Birmingham – The Uncreative City?‘ suggesting that, as well as making some good moves in rejuvenating the city, mistakes have been made – privatising public spaces, pricing out independent retail and approving uninspiring architecture.

The idea is for some of the thoughts collected over the course of the evening (and since) to go towards informing a future event with Michael Wolff and perhaps a submission to the Big City Plan itself.  There’s still plenty of time for anyone to join the discussion.

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