stans cafe Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 stans cafe 32 32 Twilightofthefreakingods Mon, 07 Oct 2013 10:43:24 +0000 [Read more...]]]> twilightofthefreakingods-large


Twilightofthefreakingods is Stan’s Cafe’s celebration of five wonderful years @ A E Harris. It’s a large scale theatrical experiment taking place this Thursday and Saturday (Saturday event sold out), with a cast comprising of companies who have performed @ A E Harris over the last five years. There will be no rehearsals, and the cast will work from instructions and timetables given to them, with no idea what anyone else in the room will be doing – sure to result in surprises for the cast and audience alike.

As the show is both a celebration and unusually long, the bar will be open throughout serving flaming cocktails alongside snacks and more familiar drinks. Both cabaret and raked seating will be available for you to either engross yourself in the show or discuss it as it unfolds with your friends. You can change your viewing angle whenever you wish to concentrate on whatever strand of action you find most absorbing. Whatever happens it will be an event to which you will always want to say “and I was there”.

Twilightofthefreakingods will be the last performance at the venue before it ‘downsizes’.

Read more and buy tickets via Stan’s Cafe’s website.



Of All The People In All The World Thu, 11 Apr 2013 16:15:09 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Two Snowhill is the latest addition to Birmingham’s skyline and from the 12th April to 21st April it will play home to ‘Of All The People In All The World’. This award-winning show from Birmingham based theatre company Stan’s Cafe has been viewed in 50 different cities around the world and is returning home for its landmark tenth year.
of all the people in all the world

On arrival at the exhibition you will given a grain of rice; this grain is you. As you walk around the exhibition you will discover a landscape of rice hills and mountains, each of which represents a different population or community. The rice hills and mountains tell stories from all over the world.

The exhibition is free and will be running from Friday 12th April – Sunday 21st April from 11am – 7pm on weekdays and 11am – 6pm at the weekend. More information can be found here.

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Ping It, Ring It, Roll It, Write It Sun, 06 May 2012 08:27:37 +0000 [Read more...]]]> There’s a load of entertaining-looking madness happening at AE Harris today, presented by Birmingham Conservatoire. If you were to drop in between midday and 5pm you’d be able to catch:

The full timetable of events is here and tickets are £6 max.

The Voyage Sat, 25 Feb 2012 10:16:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Although I made it along to the Pointe Blank launch on Monday, I missed the launch of The Voyage – a big, public spectacle taking place in Victoria Square over four nights (21 to 24 June) as one of the opening events for the London 2012 Cultural Olympiad.

It’s being produced by the Hippodrome and created by Motionhouse and Legs On The Wall. The latter’s website says:

It involves six performers from Legs, twelve from Motionhouse, a choir of 40, an all women brass band and 140 community performers. It is co-directed by Legs On The Wall’s Artistic Director Patrick Nolan and Motionhouse’s Kevin Finnan.

Sounds impressive.

Incidentally, this is a good example of how to do a website for a project that hasn’t launched yet. None of this ‘watch this space’ or ‘come back when we’re ready’ nonsense. Instead grab a website visitor’s contact details so you can let them know as soon as there’s any news.

The Voyage

Oh, and I’ve also been reminded that Stan’s Cafe are doing a Cultural Olympiad-related project called The Voyage. That one will be on 6 May.

I Like Theatre Mon, 21 Nov 2011 14:43:12 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I Like Theatre is a lovely, simple idea and a nice progression from last year’s theatre pledge cards.

Note: a mention of the West Midlands Theatre Awards 2012. You saw it there first.

I Like Theatre

I Like Theatre was prompted by Ian Craddock at Old Joint Stock Theatre from an initial idea and Pledge Card from James Yarker at Stan’s Cafe / @ A E Harris.

Birmingham arts scene “safe and middle aged” Mon, 10 Oct 2011 10:53:16 +0000 [Read more...]]]> A touch of grouchiness for a Monday morning.

Ammo reckons Birmingham’s arts scene is too safe and middle-aged, claiming that rather than providing art that appeals to Brummies, “a human tide of middle class professionals floods Birmingham each day from the suburban shanty towns that ring our city”:

Groomed by the local authority and a small elite of ‘tastemakers’, half-a-dozen ‘flagship’ venues and ventures in the city centre now hoover up most of the taxpayer and corporate cash. Just like the banks, they’ve become ‘too big to fail’.

More and more their programming reflects the tastes – and train timetables – of an alien clique.

Meanwhile, Stan’s Cafe remind us that, as of 1 October, city council funding for some of the smaller organisations ended (see my post with bonus hedgehog vid here):

last time I did the sums it appeared 50% of the City’s revenue funded portfolio was being cut by 100% to save 2.6% of the Arts Revenue budget. I can’t conceive how the city missed out on its last two bids to be crowned a Capital/City of Culture.

That last bit was sarcastic, btw.

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Farewell to Bright Space and Screen WM Fri, 30 Sep 2011 09:37:09 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Following the closure of the Creative Partnerships Programme, Bright Space announced that they would be closing. Today’s their last day.

This from Stan’s Cafe:

It’s sad because Brightspace were behind a huge number of inspirational projects that took artists into schools to work creatively with students and teachers. Now, despite a great report from OFSTED setting out the great value of these projects, the plug as been pulled, the axe has fallen, the bubble burst, the goose cooked, the turkey plucked, the swan sung and the full stopped.

I’d lost track of what’s happening with Creative England – I thought it was going to be based on a partnership of all the screen agencies but here’s a press release:

On Friday 30th September 2011, regional screen agency Screen WM will bring the curtain down on nine years of support for the screen media industries in the West Midlands and welcome Creative England as the new umbrella body for the creative sector.

The closure of Screen WM follows the coalition government’s decision to replace the UK Film Council’s support for film-making, which core-funded the regional screen agencies, with funding through the British Film Institute.

All the best to the folks working at these organisations who are moving on.

Sadly, I’m predicting a few more posts like this over the next few months.

Links for 23 September 2011 Fri, 23 Sep 2011 11:19:42 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Dance blogs in the West Midlands
    If you like dance, these are the blogs to follow
  • Tindal Street Press’s summer ebook success | Tindal St Press
    “This summer the clear genre appeal of a regional crime novel and a summer beach romance have reached more readers than we could have expected”. Nicely done.
  • Iona Waite awarded BBC Dance Fellowship « ACE dance and music
    Congrats to Iona
  • Home is where the Art is: Progressive Birmingham
    “‘Birmingham Faces and Places’ is a late nineteenth century publication celebrating the great and the good in Birmingham, people and places. I talked to Dr Andy Green about ‘Faces and Places’ and Birmingham in the late nineteenth century, when it was granted city status, and attempting to define itself as a modern, progressive city.”
  • (All) Night at The Museum: 24 hour usage – it could make sense « Museum Network Warwickshire
    BMAG “are opening their Collections Centre for a ‘led’ overnight creative writing session”
  • Dramaturgy in Dialogue: James Yarker | Outside Eye
    Michael Pinchbeck is researching the role of the dramaturg for a PhD. Here he interviews Stan’s Cafe’s James Yarker
    Speaking of. “The Commentators are delighted to be invited to report on all the action at Egremont Crab and Sports Fair. See them in the flesh or tune in via the widget below for the latest manifestation of this occasional project by theatre company Stan’s Café”
  • Self Assembly 2: Pitching Event Thursday 29 September 6.30-8pm Eastside Projects « We Are Eastside | Birmingham
    “If your idea is successful you will be supported by ESP and Eastside Projects as you organise and host your event/s, giving you the opportunity to start conversations, make connections, hear about particular aspects of practice or explore ideas that you are interested in.”
  • Winterbourne Call for Artists
    “We are now seeking new artists to exhibit their work in the Edwardian visitor attraction during 2012.” Which is nice. As impressive though is the mention of the £3m redevelopment of the Arts and Crafts house in 2010
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    Open Space 2011 continues Fri, 24 Jun 2011 09:51:48 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Open Space

    As I type this very sentence people are formulating answers to the question ‘What more can we do to create a better future for theatre in the West Midlands?’ at day two of the West Midlands Theatre Open Space event. Am hoping some notes will appear from this somewhere.

    Photo by Graeme Braidwood, cropped by Stan’s Cafe.

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    Go and see Constance Brown Tue, 15 Mar 2011 08:23:49 +0000 [Read more...]]]> I went to see Stan’s Cafe’s The Cleansing of Constance Brown at AE Harris on Saturday. It was superb and I’d thoroughly recommend grabbing some tickets before it closes on Saturday. Unless it’s already sold out. By rights it should’ve done that long ago.

    It’s probably better to go with no expectations/preconceptions of about what you’re about to see but, in case you’d rather take someone else’s word for how it good it is:

    Book tickets here.


    *Alternative titles for this blog post:

    • Knees up Constance Brown (didn’t make sense)
    • Constance-ly good reviews (just rubbish)
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