smile Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 smile 32 32 Birmingham’s Invisible Live Art Gallery Tue, 07 Feb 2012 07:18:52 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Not yer usual call for artists this one. The Hippodrome are getting Smile to make an iPhone app that’ll be used to showcase live art around the city.

They’re looking to commission regional artists and designers to devise and produce a piece of live art that will be featured inside the iPhone app. It says here that inter-disciplinary collaboration is favourable.

The full brief is here. If you’re interested, you need to submit your idea by 8 Feb (that’s tomorrow). They’re only looking for 200 words and your contact details though, so it’s not too bad.

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Links for 22 June 2010 Tue, 22 Jun 2010 21:49:03 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Screen WM – The West Midlands to play central role in new film TOAST starring Helena Bonham Carter
    “The investment means that TOAST, produced by Ruby Films for the BBC, will also be filmed entirely in the West Midlands. A fantastic local story, the film will be shot in and around Birmingham and Wolverhampton, with key scenes being filmed at the famous Black Country Museum”
  • Work to your heart’s content – Home
    This is Helga Henry (Fierce, Creative Republic, all sorts of other things)’s “scrapbook of the stuff I discover on my quest for expertise on joy, innovation and fun”. Some very useful resources here
  • Our 200th Post: One Year On | Blog | SMILE
    A year in review. Nice to see one of these not falling in Dec/Jan
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    Creative Republic’s Invisible City project Mon, 21 Jun 2010 14:29:39 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    This summer Creative Republic is running a project to help raise awareness of the many creative ideas that happen in Birmingham. To nominate your favourite creative concept, project, event, exhibition, individual or company simply register for free and ‘nominate’. Winning nominations will be included in a book, video and a final event at the end of the summer.

    The project is called Invisible City.

    I’d heard Creative Republic were gearing up again recently. This is the first peep to be heard from them in a while.

    The name of the project is slightly reminiscent of the ‘Birmingham – The Forgotten City’ prints that Smile sold in the CiB Shop (v popular they were too).

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    Links for 29 January 2010 Fri, 29 Jan 2010 23:53:27 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Mucking in : Flatpack Festival
    Volunteers wanted – good opportunity this. “Responsibilities will include front-of-house, venue installation, technical support, marketing and bar work, and all volunteers will have the opportunity to make good use of their festival passes”
  • thisisfeed
    Kinda strange I wasn’t already subscribed to this, but I’ve recified that now. It’s the blog for the FEED Studio at Millenium Point. They do seminars and events and things
  • D’log :: blogging since 2000 » Screenwriting workshops in Brum
    Animation ones too
  • An Endless Supply | Language Films
    “Do you have any suggestions for films (shorts, features, artist’s films, etc.) that could fall under the theme of ‘language’?” If so then click the link and throw a suggestion in the comments box
  • Sat Feb 6th – Keith Lawrence and Fat Digester… | Jibbering
    Jibbering’s last gig at the Hare & Hounds for a wee while and the proceeds are going to charity, so doubly worth a visit
  • World Music Consortium West Midlands
    Now there’s an interesting thing. I hadn’t come across this before – a list of West Mids companies that do world music-related stuff
  • ‘They were all living off one day out of date rare roast beef’ – An interview with James Rea « The Blue Whale Blog
  • How effective is typography on mobile devices?
    Nathan from Smile has published his Visual Communications dissertation on Google Docs for all to see
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    Typographic Horizons Tue, 10 Nov 2009 11:05:30 +0000 [Read more...]]]> One for the font-worriers this (and I know there are a few who read this blog). UKType are organising Typographic Horizons at BIAD on 18 November 2009.

    The programme includes a fair amount of local talent (I’m no expert in this area but I recognise the names of David Osbaldestin, Smile, Ben Waddington and the Baskerville Project) with some international flavour added by Henrik Birkvig from the Danish School of Media & Journalism and John D Berry from Microsoft Typography in Seattle.

    It’s £25 for most folks, £15 concessions. Here’s the full programme and you can register here.

    Speaking of Smile, they went to visit Airside recently and written it all up on their blog. Well worth a read. This quote from Jamie Wieck stood out:

    “We’re now a design company competing with advertising companies that have design and digital design subsidiaries. They know how to talk… some call it strategy, others might call it hot air, but either way we have to learn a bit of that now in order to compete.”

    BT Tower (Friday photo) Fri, 09 Oct 2009 10:11:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]> smile-bt-tower

    Matt from Smile Creative Consultants put together this photo-montage. He says:

    We all said how cool it would be to get on top of the tower for a 360 degree joiner of the Birmingham skyline. Does anybody know if it is possible to get up there, and if so, who to contact? If you do, drop me an email

    Font Lorry Tue, 11 Nov 2008 11:24:08 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

    Nathan Monk, director of the Smile Creative Agency, is working on a new project called Font Lorry.

    I intend to create an online distribution platform for emerging typographic talent. Whilst at first this may appear to be a font foundry, I believe I can make this into a viable structure for typographic goods of all natures.

    I will turn Font Lorry into a reliable distribution channel for designers to get original content noticed by a global audience and increase future interest in their work.

    I plan to catalogue typefaces, novelty items, icons, merchandise, desktop wallpapers, limited edition prints and typographic essays

    He’s looking for launch content although, by the looks of the Font Lorry Twitter account, this is starting to come together nicely.  If you want to get involved then contact details are on the Font Lorry website.

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    Smile on Baskerville Mon, 22 Sep 2008 20:52:10 +0000 [Read more...]]]> This is a lovely example of how to use that free online stuff (call it blogging, Twittering, social media if you like) to drum up interest in your work.

    Twitter is a micro-blogging service.  Smile is a creative consultancy.  Smile don’t have a blog as such but they have a Twitter account and a Smile website.  They’re working on the Baskerville Project (as is Alex Hughes, whose well-timed post has just dropped into my RSS reader) and they’ve put some beautiful photos on their site and Twitterered to tell interested folk like me that they’re there.

    I don’t quite know what they’re doing but I’m really interested in seeing the finished product now.

    More photos on the Smile website.
