sir barry jackson Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sir barry jackson 32 32 Events from Forward Tue, 16 Sep 2008 11:46:50 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

A copy of ‘Forward‘ (the council’s official publication profiling policies, initiatives and events) just plopped through my door.  Let’s see what interesting event info there is and pull together some links.

The Old Rep Theatre, which closed in Feb for renovation, re-opens on 30 Sept.  The first show is ‘Messed Up’ by Small Heath Young Rep.  Then there’s ‘Play On’ in honour of the theatre’s founder, Sir Barry Jackson, which I can’t find any info about online at all.

Incidentally neither show is on the Old Rep’s what’s on page.  The first item on there is ‘Skellig‘ on 7 Oct.

There’s lots of BMAG stuff listed:

Also, Mike Gayle will be talking about his new book, The Life and Soul of the Party at the Library Theatre on 24 September.

Finally there are a few NEC/NIA listings and a mention of the Emirates Beach.
