sion simon Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 sion simon 32 32 Ups and downs Mon, 09 May 2011 16:56:04 +0000 [Read more...]]]> It’s been a while since the last (public) handwringing over why Birmingham’s reputation suffers nationally. Thankfully, the Independent has steeped in with an article doing just that (as pointed out by Neil Holland on Twitter last night).

Link: Brum deal: A second city with a third-rate reputation

They point out that there are some great things about this city:

  • The Cotswolds aren’t far away
  • High speed rail may soon allow us to get to London in 49mins

Um… thanks. To be fair there were shout outs to the BRB and CBSO massives too.

Features quotes from Siôn Simon, Adrian Goldberg, Clare Short, Helga Henry, Khalid Mahmood and Trevor Beattie.

Building it up

I like this from Si Jobling (one of Multipack‘s founders). He’s miffed that the Midlands are often overlooked when people talk about the Web industry in the UK, so:

Throughout the Summer months, I’ll be visiting a variety of design/Web/creative agencies around the West Midlands as part of a Design Tour of The Midlands to promote agencies in the region and find out how they work.

Knocking it down


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Liveblog – creative industries election debate Tue, 20 Apr 2010 16:21:20 +0000 [Read more...]]]> At 6.30pm today I’m running a liveblog for International Dance Festival Birmingham at a debate that will look at the future of public investment in the arts. The Hippodrome are hosting and these are the panelists:

Journalist, broadcaster and author, Rosie Millard will chair the debate.

The politicians on the panel are, or have until recently been, party spokespeople for arts and culture. Marc Reeves has recently advised DCMS on new models of independent news provision. They’re all busy people at the moment so pinning them down can’t have been easy.

What would you want to see them asked? How far spending cuts are going to go? Whether encouraging philanthropy is going to help anyone other than large venues? What the heck they were thinking with the Digital Economy Act?

You can watch follow the debate on CiB below and chip in with any thoughts or comments as we go along. The liveblog has a page of its own here too.

Links for 13 April 2010 Tue, 13 Apr 2010 11:13:59 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Election debate for creative industries – 20 April at the Hippodrome
    Ed Vaizey (Con), Sion Simon (Lab) and Marc Reeves ( talk creative. Spoiler – it’s really, really important but cuts are going to have be made. Might be fun to ask Sion about the Digital Economy Act if you’ve been following that
  • “Look you f..king idiot” « John Mostyn’s Blog
    John’s eventful first day at Endale Associates, tour bookers for the Sex Pistols, happened to be the day after ‘that’ Bill Grundy interview
  • Birmingham Has No Music Scene by @JeffStuka « The Blue Whale Blog
    In which the author states the opposite. Well said, in that sweary kind of way
  • Tom Lennon’s First Standup on Vimeo
    Via Pete Ashton – “My good friend Tom went on a stand up comedy course which culminated with his first ever gig. Here’s the audio”
  • An Endless Supply Street Team
    “An exciting opportunity has arisen in the world of independent publishing: An Endless Supply is offering a part-time voluntary position within our distribution department”
  • ]]>
    CiB links for 3 February 2010 Wed, 03 Feb 2010 21:48:11 +0000 [Read more...]]]>
  • Bintley triumphs at South Bank Show Awards
    “Birmingham Royal Ballet’s David Bintley held off stiff competition from Britain’s Got Talent winners Diversity and fellow ballet Limen by Wayne McGregor to win the dance category at the final South Bank Show Awards for E=mc2”. Quite right, it’s an incredible production
  • An Endless Supply | Issue 9 Online
    New issue of the rather good zine. “You will (eventually) be able to pick up copies from Spike Island, Ikon Gallery, Eastside Projects, Outpost”
  • Birmingham Conservation Trust’s new project is Bells Farm in Druids Heath
    “The Conservation Trust has been granted £14,000 of funding from English Heritage to carry out an architect’s appraisal at the 17th century Bells Farm in Druids Heath”
  • West Midlands Heritage Strategy – Audiences Central
    “A strategy setting the overall direction for the heritage sector in the West Midlands has been laid out by the West Midlands Historic Environment Forum”
  • Councillor Mike Sharpe – Birmingham City Council
    Mike is available for speaking gigs. Specialist topics – Birmingham’s artistic and cultural vibrancy
  • Commercially Inviable Records » New World of Fox download – “Tiny Children”
    From the monthly free download series – “next up is “tiny children” which was originally by the teardrop explodes”
  • Über Brum: Über Brum in Print.
    Nice one Über Brum
  • Museums hit by ‘perfect financial storm’ – The Independent
    “Nearly 40 institutions are under threat or have already closed as lottery funding bonanza ends and credit crunch bites”. The Aston Transport Museum is named as one such that’s apparently under threat of closure
  • Writers Wanted « The Blue Whale Blog
    “can you write about music without sounding like a complete plonker?” Get in touch with the good folks of the Blue Whale Blog if you can
  • Sion Simon resigns as Minister and MP – Tom Watson MP – Birmingham: It’s Not Shit
    “Sion, MP for Erdington and Minster for Culture Media and Sport is standing down”. He fancies a run at being Mayor of Birmingham, apparently
  • Laveyloo – AlphaBrum
    “the alphabet using google maps for areas in Birmingham”. Spot the buildings.
  • Change of Chair at Arts Council England, West Midlands – Audiences Central
    “After almost eight years, Dorothy Wilson stood down as Chair of Arts Council England, West Midlands at the end of 2009, making way for Peter Phillips”
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