Simon Whetham Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Simon Whetham 32 32 SOUNDKitchen Wed, 16 Feb 2011 12:45:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]>

SOUNDkitchen launches with an Opening Banquet tomorrow (17 February), at the Hare & Hounds, as the first in a series of monthly events bringing new and experimental sounds to Birmingham.

The night will bring together emerging Birmingham based composers with established organisations Modulate and Mama Feel Good! along with guest performers from Bristol, Leicester and London. Their aim is to provide professional development with an open environment for sound artists to experiment, collaborate and build networks.

Thursday’s set menu looks to be a tasty affair, with all of this to look forward to;

…incidental DJing from Two Left Ears; a theremin and wii mote performance from Eric Bumstead; live laptop performance by Norah Lorway; Audio-visuals from Martin Clarke (oem records); soundscapes from Simon Whetham; Experimental audio trio performance from Modulate; and an afrobeat and electronica DJ set from BobbalinĂ­ Hot (Mama Feel Good!)

SOUNDkitchen will be serving from 8pm-1am, at £6 entry. For more info and the full menu, visit the SOUNDkitchen website.
