si jobling Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 si jobling 32 32 Ups and downs Mon, 09 May 2011 16:56:04 +0000 [Read more...]]]> It’s been a while since the last (public) handwringing over why Birmingham’s reputation suffers nationally. Thankfully, the Independent has steeped in with an article doing just that (as pointed out by Neil Holland on Twitter last night).

Link: Brum deal: A second city with a third-rate reputation

They point out that there are some great things about this city:

  • The Cotswolds aren’t far away
  • High speed rail may soon allow us to get to London in 49mins

Um… thanks. To be fair there were shout outs to the BRB and CBSO massives too.

Features quotes from Siôn Simon, Adrian Goldberg, Clare Short, Helga Henry, Khalid Mahmood and Trevor Beattie.

Building it up

I like this from Si Jobling (one of Multipack‘s founders). He’s miffed that the Midlands are often overlooked when people talk about the Web industry in the UK, so:

Throughout the Summer months, I’ll be visiting a variety of design/Web/creative agencies around the West Midlands as part of a Design Tour of The Midlands to promote agencies in the region and find out how they work.

Knocking it down


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