shout festival Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shout festival 32 32 Shout Festival 2011 Mon, 19 Sep 2011 08:25:24 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Shout 2011

I’ve got nothing to base this on particularly, but something tells me that the Shout Festival has been growing year on year. Is that right? I’m not sure what it is – maybe it’s something about the programme or the list of partner organisations involved. Maybe, heading into its third year, it’s something to do with a natural maturing and putting down of roots. Hmm. Thoughts welcomed – I could be well off on this.

Anyway, the 2011 programme is online and the festival starts at the beginning of November.

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SHOUT Short Film Competition Fri, 01 Apr 2011 08:10:35 +0000 [Read more...]]]> SHOUT Festival, the UK’s leading arts festival celebrating queer culture, have put out a call for short films to be screened during this year’s festivities.

The competition is open to all, irrespective of sexual orientation, should be no longer than 20 mins, and completed in 2009 or later.

While any theme or topic can be chosen, the resulting film must reflect the SHOUT ethos of celebrating and/or exploring Queer culture in all its forms.

All shortlisted films will be screened during the festival, with a winner to be announced during the festival.

SHOUT doesn’t take place until November, and the deadline for this competition 15 July, so you’ve got plenty of time to put something together.

To enter, take a look at the full info and download to entry form.

Shout Festival Thu, 14 Oct 2010 11:58:41 +0000 [Read more...]]]> SHOUT

Birmingham’s festival of queer culture – Shout – is taking place from 4 – 23 November, with a wide range of events happening across the city in exploration and celebration of LBGT communities and individuals.

Visibility and Invisibility are major themes of this year’s festival providing opportunities to increase the visibility of the LGBT community within the city and to make arts and culture a more visible part of our own lives.

But the festival themes also enable us to ask challenging questions about the invisibility of some sections of our own community in particular those who are old, have a disability or are from Black, Asian and minority ethnic backgrounds.

The launch weekend is being held at mac on 4 – 7 November, hosting three theatre performances and a documentary screening. The first night kicks off at 6.30pm in the Terrace Gallery at mac, and will showcase live performances, interventions and the premiere of new work by artist, Qasim Riza Shaheen, which will be proceeded by an 8 week residency.

The festival will continue to present events in visual arts, film, live performance, comedy, artist talks, research and social events. For a full run down of what’s on, take a look at the Shout website, where you can also purchase tickets and find out more about associated artists and venues.

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