shoulder to crayon Fri, 17 Aug 2018 17:05:12 +0000 en-US hourly 1 shoulder to crayon 32 32 Sarah Lynch Mon, 11 Jan 2010 12:00:43 +0000 Sarah Lynch is an illustrator and a member of the Love to Print collective, which is a project handily described on Shoulder to Crayon.

You can see some of Sarah’s ornithologically-inspired illustrations and screen prints on her blog.

Fox/Colour/Ruth Green Fri, 09 Oct 2009 09:56:29 +0000 [Read more...]]]> Colour is the night run by Cib alumnus Katie Spragg and it returns to The Victoria on Thursday 15 October. Back in February (that long ago) they brought Charlie Parr along – there’s a video of him performing a fantastic version of ‘Cheap Wine‘.

This time round they’ve got a Commercially Inviable special starring World of Fox with support from James Summerfield, Friends of the Stars and Richard Burke.

Pixie Sixer’s already written all about it on More Canals Than Venice so check that for more info. I’m really posting this for an excuse to post Ruth Green‘s artwork for World of Fox.


Ruth is a recent addition to the Love to Print collective – a project explained on the rather wonderfully named Shoulder to Crayon. Most of that collective are also involved with Girls Who Draw, including Karoline Rerrie and Sarah Ray.

There seems to be quite a tangled web of ladies out there producing pretty, quirky illustrations. See also i heart joan and the Inkygoodness folks.

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